Calathea 'Whitestar'
Zebra Plant 'Whitestar'
Late Spring 2024
- 9
Late Summer 2023
- 1
Late Summer 2023
- 3
Mid Autumn 2022
- 5
Late Autumn 2021
- 15
Late Winter 2021
- 7

Calathea 'Whitestar'
Late Spring 2024
Late Summer 2023

#calathea #calathea-whitestar #lovingtheoutdoors #foliagefriday
Late Summer 2023

#calathea #calathea-zebraplant-whitestar #doingwelloutdoors #nopinkontheleavesyet

Very pretty #foliage 😍

Thanks Sherri. It usually has some pink in there but not atm. It sure likes being outdoors 😄 @sherrisgarden
Mid Autumn 2022

#calathea #zebra-plant #calathea-whitestar #outdoorsinsummer #insideforwinter #looking-good

This is so gorgeous Diane! 💘😍

Absolutely beautiful! 😍 How do you care for it? Like how much light, water etc :)

Thanks so much everyone. I am not an expert in caring for these. I give it humidity and it gets light from an east window. I water it from the bottom twice a week @nati @ShelleySnyder @gjones

My pleasure Diane!💘😍
Late Autumn 2021

#calathea #calathea-whitestar #zebraplant-whitestar #bestofnovember

Thanks Katy. Out of things to post for this month and since I got it in November it seemed right. 👍😍 @gjones

What a beauty💚love the pink💗 in the leaves, best indeed👍

Wow! This is beautiful Diane!💘😍


Thanks Thelma. Really love this beauty 💚💗😍 @crabby58

Thanks so much Shelley. Nice to have this to enjoy during Winter. 👍😍 @ShelleySnyder

Thanks Jason 💗💚 @hebelover

My pleasure!💘😍

Oh my! I just love this one!! So pretty and looks nice and happy.

Thanks very much Cherie. Keeping her happy so far. 🤞🤞 @cheriej

That's a beauty.
Late Winter 2021

#wishlist #zebraplant #zebraplantwhitestqr #lovethisplant @addi1618 ‘s plant

Wow!! What a gorgeous plant!💘😍

It certainly is gorgeous!!🌟

I really like this. Had it on my wish list for a while but have not come across it. 👍😍 @crabby58

It has been on my wish list for a while. Still remember seeing @addi1618 ‘s photo of this lovely plant. May find it one day. Thanks Shelley. 💕😍 @ShelleySnyder

Great wish!💘😍

#calathea #calathea-whitestar #rainyday #indoorplant #houseplant I usually put this outdoors for the summer but it has rained so much lately. It gets a pretty pink colour on the leaves. Will get it out soon as it loves our humid weather.
Beautiful 🤩
Love that 💚
Thanks everyone. I am happy I have kept it alive this long. Calatheas can be temperamental 💚🤍 @emch @debs69 @juliesgarden
You’ve done well! It’s a beauty!
Thanks so much. I am so happy it is doing well. 😄 @brightcolours
Really pretty 😍
Thanks so much. I am so pleased with this plant. If it ever warms up it will live outdoors in the shade this summer. Eleven degrees right now. 🫣 @lifeonaroofterrace