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Profile Image Siobhan O'Sullivan


I'm Shiv in Plymouth, Devon, UK. Have large 4 tiered garden including lawn, flower beds, veg beds & bunny zone! Looking forward to learning more!!

Calathea 'Whitestar'

  • Season Icon Late SpringLate Spring 2019
  • Like Count 5

I think this is the correct species. It suffered a horrible attack of spider mite which I treated with neem oil and insecticidal soap which result is a new leaf. So I've cut off all the damaged and dying leaves, watered it, treated again and put on saucer with pebbles and water to increase the humidity. So I'll be tracking her progress (yes shes a she 👱‍♀️) on here. Date 16th June 2019 #calathea #houseplant #spidermites #recovery
