Dahlia (Border Varieties)
Border Dahlia
Early Summer 2023
- 7
Early Autumn 2022
- 6
Early Autumn 2022
- 2
Early Autumn 2022
- 8
Early Autumn 2022
- 1
Early Autumn 2022
- 5
Early Autumn 2022
- 3
Early Autumn 2022
- 5
Early Autumn 2022
- 4
Early Autumn 2022
- 9
Late Summer 2022
- 6
Late Summer 2022
- 14
Late Summer 2022
- 4
Late Summer 2022
- 7
Mid Summer 2022
- 9
Late Spring 2022
- 5

Dahlia (Border Varieties)
Early Summer 2023
Early Autumn 2022

#dahlia #dahlia-spoiled-rotten #bestofseptember


Such delicate colouring, really pretty! How is your leg Diane?

Thanks Katy 😍 @gjones

Thanks Angela. My leg is healing so well now. I still get bandaged at a clinic every 3 days and this new product they use has sped up the healing process. It has been 3 months and it won’t be too much longer I hope. 🙏 Thanks for asking. 🥰 @italydiva

That’s really good to hear 😀😘
Early Autumn 2022

#dahlia #dahlia-spoiled-rotten #bestofseptember

So pretty
Early Autumn 2022

#dahlia #dahlia-spoiled-rotten #pollinatorfriendly #wildlifewednesday


Thanks Katy. Took it before I dug up my dahlias. It was good I did them early as a couple of the tubers had rotted. I miss them now though. Chilly week here. 😟 @gjones

A handsome one too. @emch

Great picture

Thanks so much Jason 😄 @hebelover

Great photo!

Thanks so much. Took this before I lifted my dahlias. I miss them now but it is very cold at night. 😟 @italydiva
Early Autumn 2022

#dahlia #dahlia-spoiled-rotten #lastofmydahlias #cutflowers #savedtubersinpeat
Early Autumn 2022

#dahlia #dahlia-spoiled-rotten #differentlook #samedahliaaslastpost #separatepot

How different, I love the delicate colours of this one

Thanks Jason. It is so pretty 😍 @hebelover

Gorgeous!! It looks so delicate!🥰🥰🥰

Thanks Cherie. I do like this one. 😍 @cheriej
Early Autumn 2022

#dahlia #dahlia-spoiled-rotten #lookingitsbest #survivingcoolertemps #septemberblooms #bestofseptember

Hi Karen. Thanks so much. I hope yours does well next year too. I have cut mine down for cut flowers and the tubers will be stored to plant next year. 🤞🤞 @KOutdoors

Always welcome Karen 😍
Early Autumn 2022

#dahlia #dahlia-spoiled-rotten #whatadifferenceadaymakes #petalscurling #lookingpretty

Ooh! 😍

Thanks ladies. Getting colder out but my 2 dahlias are still blooming. So nice to have them. 💗💛 @italydiva @gjones

Gorgeous!! 😍😍😍

Thanks so much Cherie. Will be saving her tubers for next year for sure. 👍😍 @cheriej
Early Autumn 2022

#dahlia #dahlia-spoiledrotten #samedahlia #twoplants #differentpots #differentlooks

I love flowers like this! 💘😍

Thanks Katy 😍 @gjones

So do I Shelley. Keeps things interesting 😍 @ShelleySnyder
Early Autumn 2022

#dahlia #dahlia-spoiled-rotten #newbloom #lookssodifferentnow #pinkerthanbefore

So gorgeous! 💘😍

Thanks Shelley. It is much mor pink this time around. The petals are a different shape too. 🤔 @ShelleySnyder

Thanks Katy. This has changed so much that I had to check previous photos to see what pot it was in. It looks like my muchacha now but it is in a blue pot. 🤔🤷♀️ @gjones

Very welcome! I like that kind of plant!💘😍

Me too 😍 @ShelleySnyder

It really is amazing 😍 @gjones

It’s beautiful!! 💖💖💖

Thanks Cherie. It seems to be brighter coloured than its first flowers in August. 🤔 @cheriej
Late Summer 2022

#dahlia #dahlia-spoiled-rotten #wildlife-wednesday #twobees #sharingtheflower

Thanks Katy. So nice to see so many bees here lately 😍 @gjones

Those bees have great taste 😋😋

Thanks Kerry. I have another photo with one on each flower. They did not want to share I guess. 😆 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr 🤣 that one on the right does look like it’s been pushed over the edge 😆

It is hanging on for dear life. 🙀🤣 @kez001uk
Late Summer 2022

#dahlia #dahlia-spoiled-rotten #changingcolours #almostdonenow #onlytwobloomsthisyear Love the way the petals have changed colour and twisted. Will overwinter this one.

You’ve had some really great changing flowers this year 😋

This one has changed daily. Maybe it is the hot dry weather, then thunderstorms. We had a loud clap of thunder tonight. Scared Maxx so much he jumped. My son said lightning hit the roof of a home a few km from here. Scary stuff. 😳 @kez001uk

Thanks Katy. Seems this one changes daily. I only had the 2 blooms this year so I am hoping the tubers survive and I get more flowers next year. 🤞🤞 @gjones

@hkyfvr must have an effect when they’re constantly having to adapt 😵💫 oh that sounds scary! No wonder Maxx was frightened 😨

Poor Maxx hates thunder. He gets on the floor and stays close to us. The girls just keep on sleeping. 😿 @kez001uk

Beautiful Diane 🤩

Thanks Angela. I agree 😍 @italydiva

@hkyfvr I do love how the only boy is the frightened one 🥲

Poor Maxx. He takes after my previous cat Scampy who would hide whenever we had people over. 😿 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr I didn’t even think cats could be shy 😯

I don’t know what makes then that way. Maybe they had a bad experience before we got them. Maybe some are just born that way. Funny how they can be so different. Just like we are. 😍 @kez001uk
Late Summer 2022

#dahlia #dahlia-spoiled-rotten #photobombedbybee #doingaflyby #lovethecolours

Prettiest pastels 💖

Thanks so much Kerry. Love the soft colours. 💗💛 @kez001uk

Thanks very much Katy. I love this one too. Dahlias have so many petal differences. Love them all. The bee flew into the photo as I took it. Trying to steal the limelight. 😆 @gjones
Late Summer 2022

#dahlia #dahlia-spoiled-rotten #softcolours #augustblooms

Gorgeous! 💘😍

Thanks my garden friend. So appreciate your comment. 😍 @ShelleySnyder

You are so welcome! 💘😍

It so elegant!! Gorgeous colors. 😍😍😍

Thanks Cherie. That is a great way to describe her. 😍 @cheriej

Thanks so much. I agree. A keeper for sure. 😍 @gjones
Mid Summer 2022

#dahlia #borderdahlias #newbloomopening #dahlia-spoiled-rotten



Thank you lovely ladies. It took all summer to flower and I may only get these 2. I am so happy with them. 😁 @italydiva @charlotte

Beautiful! And how different each is! 💘😍

Thanks. That is why I like dahlias. Sometimes each bloom is so different than the others. 😁 @ShelleySnyder

My pleasure Diane! That's one thing I like about dahlias too! 💘😍

They have so many colours, beautiful! You could collect the seeds grow next year. They flower first year but you won't know what the flowers will look like

Thanks so much Alan. Sounds like a good plan. 👍😁 @alan1111
Late Spring 2022

#dahlia #dahlia-spoiled-rotten #newtome #plantedtoday #twosetsoftubers

Should I take a photo of my new calla from the magazine and post it Diane? 💘😍

I decided to go ahead, @angiecrazycatlady has frozen queen and posted it earlier this spring, I'm hoping mine looks half that good! 💘😍

Sorry Shelley I did not see this till now. I am glad you posted it. It is so beautiful 😍😍 @ShelleySnyder

No problem, I just went ahead 😂💘😍
#dahlia #dahlia-spoiled-rotten #firstbloom #alreadybeingmunched #lotsofearwigsthisyear
That's a beauty! 💜
Thanks so much. So happy this one survived. I have 2 pots of these to enjoy. 😍 @Bebigirl
Thanks so much Jason. This dahlia changes colour as it matures. 😍 @hebelover
Just beautiful!! I really enjoy your Dahlias! 🥰🥰🥰
Thanks Cherie. I do too. 😁 @cheriej