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Hi. Am a grandma living north of Toronto in a small town. Love cats and beauty of nature. Hope to learn more to make my gardens lovely like yours🌸🌺
#hosta #newtome #fireandice #sawthisoneinhostachallenge #somanybeauties #toomuchmoney #happywiththisone
Ain't it a beauty! I have this one!💘😍
It sure is. I had another one in my cart but saw this one and changed my mind. 😄 @ShelleySnyder
You've a good eye for beautiful plants. The pattern on the foliage is stunning 😍
I've been looking for this one but everyone is sold out.
Thanks Alan. There were so many to choose from but this was the one for me. 👍💚🤍 @alan1111
Oh dear I hope you find one. There were so many hostas at our local garden centre and lots of each variety. Good luck with your search 👀👍😍 @maldavis
Thanks Katy. I had chosen another one but this one won out. Really like the colours and markings. 💚🤍 @gjones
This one is nice. It will stand out amongst your other greens. I always try to find the whitest ones for that reason. 🌞
Great thinking. I do have a few green ones right near where I am putting this one so this will definitely stand out. One of my green ones is just now opening. 💚🤍 @sunlovin
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#hosta #newtome #fireandice #sawthisoneinhostachallenge #somanybeauties #toomuchmoney #happywiththisone
Ain't it a beauty! I have this one!💘😍
It sure is. I had another one in my cart but saw this one and changed my mind. 😄 @ShelleySnyder
You've a good eye for beautiful plants. The pattern on the foliage is stunning 😍
I've been looking for this one but everyone is sold out.
Thanks Alan. There were so many to choose from but this was the one for me. 👍💚🤍 @alan1111
Oh dear I hope you find one. There were so many hostas at our local garden centre and lots of each variety. Good luck with your search 👀👍😍 @maldavis
Thanks Katy. I had chosen another one but this one won out. Really like the colours and markings. 💚🤍 @gjones
This one is nice. It will stand out amongst your other greens. I always try to find the whitest ones for that reason. 🌞
Great thinking. I do have a few green ones right near where I am putting this one so this will definitely stand out. One of my green ones is just now opening. 💚🤍 @sunlovin