Pieris japonica 'Mountain Fire'
Pieris 'Mountain Fire'
Mid Spring 2024
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Mid Spring 2024
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Late Spring 2023
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Mid Spring 2023
- 3
Mid Spring 2023
- 12
Early Spring 2023
- 23
Late Summer 2022
- 3
Early Summer 2022
- 7
Early Summer 2022
- 10

Pieris japonica 'Mountain Fire'
Mid Spring 2024
Mid Spring 2024

#pieris #pieris-mountainfire #newgrowth #newredleaves #acidlovingplants The foliage around it are the messy leaves of my allium and Star of Bethlehem 😄
Late Spring 2023
Mid Spring 2023

#pieris #pieris-mountainfire Frost damage on the tender red shoots of the #pieris 2 nights ago. Also damage to the tuff stuff hydrangea and 2 hostas. Please excuse the star of Bethlehem foliage. The flowers are finally coming up.

This Winter has a lot to answer for!!

It sure does and this just happened. My hostas have never had a problem with a little frost before. 🤷♀️ @hebelover
Mid Spring 2023

#pieris #pieris-mountainfire #lovetheredleaves #fieryred. Don’t mind the Star Of Bethlehem leaves. Just waiting for the flowers. 🤷♀️

That new growth is lovely 🔥

Thanks Kerry. It grew so quickly in this very warm weather. Upper 20’s today. 😄 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr that’s quite a jump in temperature! Enjoy whilst you can ☀️

I did. Possible frost tonight. Had to bring 30 plants into the garage. Some are annuals I have not planted and some I have in big pots. 🙄 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr I don’t envy you moving all those pots 😨 still, it’s worthwhile if it keeps them safe!

It is worth it. Tonight we will be ok but tomorrow night a chance of frost. Then we will finally get some rain. Things are so dry already. 🙄 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr sounds like your weather is all over the place 🤪

Typical for us. Out west it is 30 degrees. 🤷♀️ @kez001uk

@hkyfvr think I’d choose your weather over 30° 🥵

I cannot tolerate the heat much anymore. Makes me cranky 😂 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr you and me both 😜😅
Early Spring 2023

#signsofspring #snowmelting #pierisvisible #springbulbssprouting #happyspring

Still snow 😨

Slowly melting. Got got 5 degrees today and rain is coming so it will soon be gone. May get up to 9 degrees Thursday. 🤞🤞 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr 9° will feel like a heatwave 😅 I’m sure you’re glad spring is almost springing 😁

I am so happy for the warmer weather and Spring. 😍 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr it’s been a long time coming 😜

It has. Long range forecast is for a cool April but then the heat arrives. More snow coming this weekend. Hope my spring flowers survive 🤞🤞 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr I do hope it’s a snow-less April for you 🤞🏻 at least if it’s cool you can get in the garden still. Just need stuff to stop falling from the sky 😂

I hope so. Just the April showers will be enough. No more white stuff until November 🤞🤞 I can handle a short Spring as long as we get a nice Summer. 🙏 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr it just takes a little bit of sun to get everything going, and the rain helps it all along. But we are banning snow for the next 6 months minimum! 😉😂

It snowed today here and I hope that is the end of it. Sending it packing. 😂 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr how’s the weather treating you now? Hope that snow stayed gone!!! 😅
Late Summer 2022

#pieris #pieris-mountainfire #lovetheredleaves #lovelyplant

Looks great against the chip wood….

Thanks Elaine. I totally agree. 👍 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Early Summer 2022

#pieris #pieris-mountainfire #lovetheredfoliage

This is stunning!💘😍

Thanks Shelley. New this year so I hope it does well overwinter. Love how it turns red as the season progresses ♥️ @ShelleySnyder

Very welcome! I think these are pretty tough so it should be fine for you! 💘😍

Thanks Shelley. Glad you said this as I was unsure. Funny how this photo gives the illusion that the plant is lying on the ground. Maybe it is the black mulch. 🤔🤣 @ShelleySnyder

Thanks so much Katy. Really enjoying it. Just an update; saw the plastic surgeon today and she did not remove any stitches as yet. She said the top part is healing but the lower larger part of my injury is a wait and see thing. It may need surgery to do a skin graft. For the time being I need homecare to help with bandage changes. Still have to keep it up as much as possible. 🙁 @gjones

I was going to but was not sure anyone wanted to see it. I think I will though. Trying to relax as much as possible so it will heal and I will not need surgery. 🤞🤞 @gjones.
Early Summer 2022

#newtome #pieris #japanesepieris #pieris-mountainfire #hopeitdoeswellhere #halfpricedeal #lovethecolours

Wow! I love this!! @hkyfvr

Thanks Alysha. Hope this plant likes me. 🤞🤞 @alysha

Thanks Karen. I read it likes acidic soil so I am going to try peat. 🤞🤞 @KOutdoors

Isn’t the new growth stunning! ❣️

It really is. I hope I can do well with it. I know it likes acidic soil. It is good in zone 5 so I hope it overwinters ok. This is a new one for me. 🤞🤞 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr I’ve no doubt you’ll make it a happy home 😛 sounds like it’s perfect for your climate. Great to have something that’ll give all-year colour too 💚❣️💚

Thanks so much Kerry. I will try my best and maybe shelter it from the winter winds and hopefully it will thrive. 🤞🤞 @kez001uk

Thanks very much Katy. The new growth does look like foliage. I love how it changes colours a few times during the season and even has some blooms. The foliage is the best part though. 👍😍 @gjones

@gjones 🤞🏻🤞🏻
#pieris #pieris-mountainfire #newgrowth #redleaves #sopretty