Musa acuminata 'Dwarf Cavendish'
Banana 'Dwarf Cavendish'
Late Spring 2021
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Mid Autumn 2019
- 19
Early Autumn 2019
- 2
Early Autumn 2019
- 5
Late Summer 2019
- 2

Musa acuminata 'Dwarf Cavendish'
Late Spring 2021
Mid Autumn 2019

Check out this bee in a banana flower. This bee went inside the flower for a good 15 seconds, i wonder what it smells like inside to them haha. These plants provide lots of flowers, attract beneficial pollinating bees, and are drought tolerant fruit trees. #bees #bananatree #banana #fallflowers #fall #garden #gardening #gardener #flores #floralphotography #flowers #flowering #blooming #nature #happy #plants #entrepreneur #landscaper #permaculture #pollinatorgarden #fruit #fruittree #growyourown

#food #ediblelandscaping #lancaster #mojavedesert #highdesert #la #losangeles #cali #california #gyo

#beehappy #savethebees #pollinator #beneficial #beneficialcritter

@cyndi such hard workers the bees 😀

Interesting.. now I’m intrigued about banana flowers 😊

@sabbanrula i never knew that each banana had to be pollinated for it to be a viable fruit until i saw the bees moving around in there lol ! I think bats are suppose to pollinate these, but my client has a few hives i care for and they found their way 😂✌

That’s really cool, they’re like cucumbers, squash, or melons, forming the young fruit before the flower opens. I always thought that was such an odd trait evolutionarily. If it ends up not being pollenated and then dies/falls off, then it’s wasted energy the plant could have used elsewhere. And who’d have thought banana flowers were so pretty! 🐶

That’s such an amazing thing to witness. Now I want a banana tree 😍

@sabbanrula you should get one! Nothing like a fresh off the tree ripe banana. If you see a banana tree around where you live ask for a cutting because usually they get overgrown and messy when people forget about them 😂✌

@heelerpup thats true lol. nature is so weird, i wonder if that trait evolved so that the bananas could produce their fruit quicker though, because when pollinstors are close by the fruit is pretty fast growing compared to a normal fruit tree that flowers , is pollinates then fruit forms. Haha they are pretty cool 😎 they remind my of a small vase haha

Interesting, I didn’t know I could grow it from a cutting. Somehow I thought banana trees are very complicated and hard to grow. Thanks for the tip Steve. I’ll be on the lookout of a banana tree from now on 😁

@sabbanrula no problem! Yes they are easy care trees! Easy to grow and propogate. Usually people want to clean them up because they grow crazy! But i always see opportunities there, i have gotten all my trees for free from cleanups haha.
Early Autumn 2019

Begining to propogate a small banana grove from a large geouping of banana trees on my clients property. Will take one grouping with 12 cuttings and propogate all but the tallest original trunk, making a grove out of the babies essentially. #bananatree #banana #fruittree #banano #dwarfcavendish #agriculture #sembrador #fall #garden #gardening #foodforrest #gardener #farmer #farm #farming #nature #happy #plants #entrepreneur #landscaper #naturephotography #landscaping #permaculture #sustainable

#losangeles #ediblelandscaping #california #lapuente
Early Autumn 2019

Most people would never think of a banana tree as a fruit tree for LA, but there are many varieties that can be grown here. This variety is dwarf Cavendish and produces bananas 2/3rds the size of the ones you might pick up in the store, but it produces in abudance. They are much sweeter as well, i find store bought bananas really bland, because they are usually picked unripe to ship them to the store before they go bad. When they grow in your yard you get the ultimate ripeness, they are free,

and you save a bit of the planet because most of our bananas are coming from guatemala or ecuador and alot of fuel is spent to get to us. #bananatree #banana #fruittree #banano #flowers #dwarfcavendish #agriculture #sembrador #summer #garden #gardening #foodforrest #gardener #farmer #farm #farming #nature #happy #plants #entrepreneur #landscaper #naturephotography #landscaping #permaculture #losangeles #ediblelandscaping #california #southla

@angiie thats super cool, you have to grow your own to really get the good stuff haha

Very well spoken Steve🤗

@godfreye thank you 🙂👍
Late Summer 2019

Starting to bring some bananas to the farm. Got 2 planted, and will probably bring about 10 more that are 8'-13'. These were smaller at about 5'. I saved a good 60 bananas from the dump by potting them and ive been reselling them to clients and i also realized these are able to grow in the desert not too long ago. Sort of a crazy plant for a home because it takes over lol, but on the farm it has room to grow to whatever it wants 😀 soon will have a small grove of them.

#plantrecycling #bananatree #fruittrees #gyo #food #foodforrest #permaculture #ediblelandscaping #foodscaping #summer #garden #gardening #gardener #trees #nature #happy #plants #entrepreneur #landscaper #naturephotography #landscaping #la #losangeles #cali #california #mojavedesert #lancaster #highdesert
Nice stalk on my clients Banana tree 😋🍌 Ive planted 18 different bananas throughout LA, but so far the Blue Java & manzano species are my favorites. #banana #spring #farmer #farming #nature #happy #plants #entrepreneur #landscaper #naturephotography #landscaping #losangeles #california #gardening #garden #la #cali #landscapedesign #fruittrees #droughttolerant #gyo #gardener #permaculture #food #foodie