It's such a good plant Jeannie takes a while to get going and 🐌 love it but have kept them away this year and it's going from strength to strength 🙂 @jeanbean56
#crittercontrol I have had this plant four years and every year despite various applications of 🐌 and slug control it's always ended up shredded 😱 this year I mulched with Strulch a straw mulch a ta da 😊😊 so far so good 😊 it has worked well elsewhere too 👍
I'm having excellent results Sam, the only trouble with it is it doesn't look very nice when you take photos of your plants, but hey, if it keeps the slugs away who cares. 😍😍😍
That's a shame James it has meant I have Hostas, Thalictrum , Echinacea and Rudbeckia safe and sound this year, I have spread it pretty thick but as I say sorry it hasn't kept the 🐌at bay for you @Gandalf
Asarum europaeum loving it in the #shade
I love this plant, gotta get one!
It's such a good plant Jeannie takes a while to get going and 🐌 love it but have kept them away this year and it's going from strength to strength 🙂 @jeanbean56