Acer palmatum 'Butterfly'
Early Autumn 2022
Mid Spring 2022

Cataloguing my Morrisons £3.50 bargain. Sunny or partial shade, moist well-drained soil. Likes sandy humus rich soil. If in pot project pot/move to sheltered spot over winter. Cut back long shoots in March to encourage compact growth. Feed with a general garden fertiliser during growing season. 1.5m x 1m spread. #acer #acer-palmatum-butterfly

I’m loving that huge blue pot behind 💙💙😂

It's a lovely blue 💙💙 @italydiva @juliesgarden

I got one from Morrisons three years ago and it’s a bit of a weakling. Hopefully it’s just mine and yours will be fine but I would keep it in as sheltered as spot as you can Angela 👍

Love the pots obviously 😄 Got one of these from there last year, overwintering outside fine, all foliage back and doing great, doesn't seem to cope with much sun though

Thank you Julie & Emma. The big blue pot was a “collection only” bargain off eBay. No way they could post it! 💙 @juliesgarden @ejonesy

Fingers crossed Jane. Believe it or not I’ve already put it in a slightly larger pot with some ericaceous compost. It’s also in a very sheltered spot…so here’s hoping🤞 @pelly

Thanks Jason 💙 I’ve had a few acers from Morrisons and all but one have done really well. In fairness, I think the one I lost was due to incorrect positioning and neglect on my behalf. This is a smaller one so I’ve put it in a sheltered spot that only gets the minimum sun late afternoon. Small enough I can always move it if it looks like it’s starting to struggle 🍁 @hebelover


That’s lovely and I adore the pot too

Thank you Caroline 💙 @Cazx
What is it you may well ask?! A rather sad acer now transplanted from a pot into my newly “ninja stealth” created border 🥷 Just a tiny bit lawn has disappeared. Wonder if anyone will notice the border is changing shape? 🤔 #acer #rescue #ajoct22
That's so funny 😂😂😂
He’s not noticed…..yet! @pelly @hebelover 😉😂
Well he's a man 🙄😂😂
Lol! If he doesn’t mow the lawn again until the Spring he may notice then when the lawn is the size of a 50 pence piece 😂🤣😂 @pelly
You’ve got a reprieve then 😂😂😂