This is a rambling rose that I planted about five years ago on a semi shaded wall. I took a small cutting from a neighbour's plant and it's never looked back! Unfortunately I don't know the variety! This photo does not do it justice, the pink is much deeper!
Beautiful @jacquijc62 Am wondering do you take hard/soft cutting and did you dip in rooting powder and then just in compost? I would like to take a cutting of my climbing iceberg. Never done it before 😐
Actually Rachel, I did take a soft cutting from the Rose and put it in rooting gel and popped into a small plant pot with potting compost, however, this one didn't take! So, rescued it from the pot put it in a milk bottle full of water outside my kitchen door and forgot about it until the following spring, by which time it had a complete root system formed. I then planted it in a large terracotta pot, gave it a feed and it never looked back! It actually flowers from Spring right the way through
This is a rambling rose that I planted about five years ago on a semi shaded wall. I took a small cutting from a neighbour's plant and it's never looked back! Unfortunately I don't know the variety! This photo does not do it justice, the pink is much deeper!
Beautiful 😊
It really is a stunning rose! I've taken quite a few cuttings this year, so if any survive, I'd be quite happy to send you one!
That is stunning 😊
What a display💕👍😊👌🎉
Beautiful @jacquijc62 Am wondering do you take hard/soft cutting and did you dip in rooting powder and then just in compost? I would like to take a cutting of my climbing iceberg. Never done it before 😐
Actually Rachel, I did take a soft cutting from the Rose and put it in rooting gel and popped into a small plant pot with potting compost, however, this one didn't take! So, rescued it from the pot put it in a milk bottle full of water outside my kitchen door and forgot about it until the following spring, by which time it had a complete root system formed. I then planted it in a large terracotta pot, gave it a feed and it never looked back! It actually flowers from Spring right the way through
To October!
So, I think I would go with the trial and error😂
I'm on the south coast, so obviously the weather helps!
Good luck. Let me know how you get on! Can't think what an iceberg rose looks like? Any chance of a photo?