Araucaria araucana
Monkey Puzzle Tree
Mid Spring 2023
- 0
Early Spring 2023
- 0
Early Spring 2023
- 1
Early Spring 2022
- 5
Late Spring 2021
- 4
Mid Spring 2021
- 1

Araucaria araucana
Mid Spring 2023
Early Spring 2023
Early Spring 2023

Slowly growing #monkeypuzzle
Early Spring 2022

#monkeypuzzle getting planted in the ground this year? Any advice to help it thrive when out of its pot?

Wear a suit of amour 😫

I’ve never grown one, but only advice I can give is to give it plenty of room and don’t plant to close to house. These grow very tall eventually, and can shed whole branches!

@richard.spicer.7906 thank you, we plan to put it in the middle of a half an acre area behind the weeping willow so will have plenty of room, I’ve had this since a small stem and moved it house with me a few times but I think it’s time to go in the ground now. Thanks again. :-)

@vegandmore I know! When I moved it from a smaller pot to this one I got a few cuts! Safe to say I’ll be double hunkered up this time and a safety mask lol.
Late Spring 2021

#monkeypuzzle new growth! Had this beauty since seed and it’s the plant I’m most proud of bringing on. :-)

That’s so impressive! I’ve loved monkey puzzles since going to cub scouts where there were two huge ones in the front of the chapel it was held in. Luckily we bought a house next an old farm that has one in the front garden so I can admire it when sitting out in ours.

Well done James, that’s brilliant 💚

@rhimixx I’ve loved them for long before I had one too, and the same our neighbour had one which was really big. Don’t want to put this in the ground as we aim to move house when the children have all left home and I want to take it with me. So another 5 years in a pot
Mid Spring 2021

#monkeypuzzle #spike #puzzle #monkey since repotting it’s sprouted more. Next time in the ground I think.