Fuchsia (Tender)
Fuchsia (Tender)
Late Spring 2016
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Late Spring 2016
- 10
Late Spring 2016
- 8
Late Spring 2016
- 6
Early Spring 2016
- 3
Late Spring 2016
- 6

Fuchsia (Tender)
Late Spring 2016
Late Spring 2016

Love this one has taken I long time to come out 😀

But worth the wait (yes)

So lovely

Well worth the wait, gorgeous 💜


Ive got this one they are so heavy they drop off

My second favorite photo of yours after the banging bugs😂

Worth it now tho @jamesshobbs think everything so slow mine just have buds!
I have those

#fuchsia #big
Late Spring 2016

Today's buy I could not resist #fuchsia

Beautiful, love fuchsia 🌸

Awww this is what I want 💜

My favs fuchsias over over-wintered some so fingers crossed for them that the've survived for this year

I can see why , very pretty @james

That's a cracker :)

Beautiful...unfortunately I cant resist buying many plants....possibly T

that I really dont need.
Late Spring 2016

New growth on a fuchsia #fuchsia #summer

Ahhh. So i leave the woody stems them ???? Ive always pulled them out when the go to wooden sticks ...

Ive noticed tiny little leaves like that so decided to leave them .... Glad i did now

On the annual ones you can and they will grow but if you over winter in a greenhouse

But these was outside the last two years

Ohhh....I thought mine might be dead, I'm gonna wait another few weeks and hope it sprouts some new leaves @jamesshobbs I enjoyed eating the fuchsia berries last year......tasty 👍
Early Spring 2016

Best summer fuchsia pot done will have to stay in the greenhouse for now @summer

That looks beautiful already ... Will be stunning in your garden when its time to put them out

@MagicsAngel I can't wait :)
Late Spring 2016

fuchsia flowering in my greenhouse bit early :) Please follow me #fuchsia #spring #soonbesummer

Im getting a greenhouse soon hopefully and I will be putting fuchsia in it also now :)

I have 22 fuchsia in my greenhouse atm you soon fill it up :p @kimmy01

Over wintered mine in our old goat shed and they are in flower too

@kathy always good when you don't have to buy new ones :)

One of my favourites! 👌
Another fushia 😁