Daphne odora
Late Winter 2016
Late Winter 2016

Help! Sick Daphne. This plant travelled with me from Berry to Uki. Couldn't leave it behind as it was in full bloom. Would white oil help? There are new healthy shoots forming.

#Daphne-advice #daphne

How large is the plant? I assume it's finished flowering? As it's pruning time for Daphnes I'd trim a lot of the affected growth off before attacking the infestation.
Late Autumn 2016

Daphne coming into flower. Spring bulbs emerging from the soil. Seasons are changing.

Beautiful plant Daphne its a shame they are so poisonus 😩

Love the scent of these

Just added a pic of mine struggling, would appreciate any suggestions as she doesn't look good!

Sorry Janie i just got your notice all of the Daphne is poisonus

Whoops i think i need new glasses that was meant for latebloomer

@latebloomer ⬆️
@ brightcolours
#Daphne #standard
As it's a standard, it's a bit hard to give it a good prune... I'd give all the leaves a good wash with soapy water, both sides. Then give it a good spray with the hose.
Does it get the morning sun? Is the soil dry, wet or just right? Have you fertilised it regularly?
Thank you @brightcolours for your very helpful advice. When I arrived here I placed it in a shady position whilst I worked out the sun patterns , also much hotter and humid than Berry. I moved it a few weeks ago once I noticed it wasn't happy. I placed it in a position where it does get morning sun and has started to shoot. Do you think I need a bit of white oil after I wash it, hose it, prune it , top up soil and fertilise? 🐝🍃🐝
Here's a good article: www.abc.net.au/gardening/stories/s1977788.htm
I'd also take at least one cutting, for propagation, because Daphne are notorious heart breakers. They just turn up their toes and die.
I'd apply a seaweed solution as a tonic because the plant is under stress. #Daphne-advice