Mid Winter 2016
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Mid Winter 2016
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Mid Winter 2016
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Crassula ovata syn. Crassula argentea, Crassula portulacea,Crassula obliqua,Crassula articulata,Crassula nitida,Crassula lucens.
Mid Winter 2016
Mid Winter 2016

Jade Plant originally growing in a pot and after 40 years of neglect grew through the bottom of the pot and living happily under my frangipani tree

Great! I had a Jade as a Bonsai but killed it 😞
Mid Winter 2016

Crassula Ovata#Jade Plant#Money Plant#Succulent
Jade Plant#Money Plant - legend has it that it should be near the front door to ensure that you have always got money. I am not a great believer in legendary tales but to be sure to be sure I have always had this plant near my front door where it grows happily in total neglect - occasional branch trimming when necessary
Has yours ever flowered? #jadeplant #moneyplant #crassula #neglect
And hey the back door so money doesn't escape. Nothing wrong with having your rear end covered. I have at front and back but can only assume that I would have been even poorer if I hadn't done that 😝
Mine has never flowered in all the years I have had it - probably too shady where I have it