Helleborus foetidus
Hellebore (Species) Stinking Hellebore
Mid Spring 2017
- 36
Mid Winter 2017
- 11
Mid Winter 2016
- 5
Late Autumn 2015
- 2
Late Autumn 2015
- 8

Helleborus foetidus
Mid Spring 2017
Mid Winter 2017

Morning all my hellebore is looking good again 😀 hope you have a good day

Well hello hellebores 🤣, have a good day Jan 😊

Morning Jan @janric exciting times waiting for those buds to open 😍. Hope you have a great day😘

Morning Jan lovely plants 🌱

You too Julie the suns out again 4days in a row 😎 hope its the same for you, enjoy your say too @juliesgarden

Morning βοΈ yes its lovely to see Suzie you too have a nice day @jadojado29

Thank you Debs yes they are, they also flower for a long time too, have a lovely day @debs69

Morning Jan 💚 loads of lovely buds on there! 👌🏼

Morning Jan lovely buds 🤗🤗

Afternoon Jan. So many buds on there. Will be lovely 😊

Hi ladies afternoon 🤗 yes love these hellebores really pleased with them @rachelbrooks @tina @susanhumphrey333
Mid Winter 2016

Stinking hellebore

Great display 👍

Fab plant 😊

Cool plant😎 It doesn't really stink that much either unless you walk through it or get your hooter right down close.

What a great photo, I really want one of these.
Late Autumn 2015

More of the Stinking Hellebore about to flower😀 unlike its name its looking rather attractive

Does it smell horrible?

Love the shape of the leaves 👍🤓

No @kathy just smells grassy even when you crush the leaves😄

Are the flowers green 😊

Yes @fuschia they are not fully out yet

I think I have this. Shouldn't it flower in spring 😏

Not sure @fuschia as this was already here when I moved in July but started to grow taller end of summer
Morning all 🤗 back in rainy Essex this morning with my Mum, still the garden needs it! Enjoy your Saturday
Morning Jan. We need lots more rain in Essex but not too quickly or we'll flood. The ground is rock solid and cracking 😮
Morning Jan , same here but we've only had a bit of drizzle for half hour !!
Morning Jan, have a good time with your mum 😀
Morning Julie yes the same for me in Suffolk its been hard work digging over the beds this week! Here's to enough rain to make life easier but not too much 😆😂 @vec
Morning Julie its chucking it down here 😄 don't think we will see any sunshine this weekend 🙄😕 @juliesgarden
Morning Christine thank you off to a quiz night tonight with old friend so that should be fun😄 I'll have to get my brain in gear for that one 😆 enjoy your day too @christineb
Have a lovely day with your Mum! The garden must look lush with the rain βοΈ
Thank you hope you get some too Jacqueline for the water butts 💦💦 @jacq1075
Enjoy! Quizzes are always a good laugh
"Alright darlin'" 😜 just giving you a nice Essex good morning! 😂 and it's drizzling here too! Have a lovely weekend and enjoy your quiz! 👍🏼
😂 nice one Rachel "yeh i'm alright" you too have a fab one 👍 @rachelbrooks