Sisyrinchium striatum
Late Spring 2018
Mid Summer 2017

Help me identify this plant, can you help I'm not sure if this is a weed! The leaves are quite furry, and cannot remember planting this, would like some advise please before I pull it up, thank you 😊 #advise

Is it a Foxglove Jan

Thank you Jane & Lin I certainly didn't plant it as the flowers are poisonous to animals and humans so it's going to have to come up unfortunately 😟 @jaynehynesburton @linfoster

Could be verbascum 😀

Thanks Pearl just googled Verbascum and pics match the leaf on mine, so no need to pull it up after all as thankfully it's not on poisonous plants list 😄👍 @fuschia

Thanks Lin just found out its a Verbascum so it's a keeper 😄👍 @linfoster

The leaves aren't shiny Lin 😟 they look & feel like felt 😬 @linfoster

Ok thanks Lin I shall pull it up tomorrow it's not worth the risk 👍 @linfoster

My verbascum has velvety leaves @linfoster . Look at mine Jan and compare 👍

That's looking a lot like a foxglove to me
Does anyone know what this plant is called please? Not mine but would love some in the garden. Thank you 😁
It’s sisyrinchium striatum Jan. got some last year and I love it. Such happy flowers 🌻
Oh thanks for quick response Rachel I think they are so pretty too. Hopefully will be able to find some. Cheers😚
Just ordered one, thank you 👍 @rachelbrooks
Ooh fab Jan! 👍🏼 no probs ☺️
What sort of conditions does it like Rachel, I love it @rachelbrooks
Full sun to part shade and it can deal with dry soil Jayney. I don’t think it’s too fussy as long as it’s not complete shade and too wet! 👍🏼 one for the list tomorrow..? 🤔☺️ @jaynehynesburton
I just gave this to Julie @vec Jan @janric didn’t go in my garden fits in hers though 👍😘
If I see some I'm going to get it 😁 wasn't going to buy anything with moving, Steve said we'll need 2 vans, one for just my gardening stuff 😂 @rachelbrooks
Not buy anything..?! 😳🙄 well...and this is true...we did have two lorries and one WAS for all the garden stuff! 🙈🙈 @jaynehynesburton
😂😂🚚🚚👍 @jaynehynesburton sounds like us when we moved😆
Lucky Julie @vec @jadojado29 😘