Weigela 'Florida Variegata' syn. Weigela florida 'Variegata', Weigela florida 'Aureovariegata'
Weigela 'Florida Variegata'
Late Spring 2018
- 4
Late Spring 2016
- 8
Early Spring 2016
- 6
Mid Autumn 2015
- 2
Mid Autumn 2015
- 4

Weigela 'Florida Variegata' syn. Weigela florida 'Variegata', Weigela florida 'Aureovariegata'
Late Spring 2018
Late Spring 2016

First of many hopefully


They are a lovely plant @janric my neighbour has a very large one,do you know if they're easy to take cuttings from and grow on 🤔

Sorry I'm not sure @daisy-jane the only plant I have taken a cutting from before was a hydrangea which are quite easy to do and was successful with give it ago you have nothing to lose!

Yeah think i might try anyway 😃

I did a cutting of this plant last year and it's coming along great

Pretty 💕🌸💕

Hi Joan @Joanwalters if you go into my profile and look for weigela, in top left hand corner there is a pic of leaf tap on that & you will get all the info on this shrub, I don't think they are that expensive to buy mine was already here when I moved house
Early Spring 2016

After finding this Weigela under lots of Bamboo that I dug out of my new garden #newgrowth doing really well

Lucky plant it's doing great @janric

Yes so pleased its doing well @kathy it has such a pretty little flower


A brilliant find @janric 👍

Looking great Jan 👍😘
Hi everyone 🤗 🎶Oh what a beautiful morning🎶
Clouds gone now but a bit of a nippy wind here
Its a warm sunny one here today @kathy hope its heading your way ☺
It is gradually