Salvia 'Royal Bumble' syn. Salvia x jamensis 'Royal Bumble'
Salvia 'Royal Bumble'
Early Autumn 2019
- 2
Early Summer 2019
- 5
Early Autumn 2018
- 4
Mid Spring 2018
- 3
Late Summer 2017
- 11

Salvia 'Royal Bumble' syn. Salvia x jamensis 'Royal Bumble'
Early Autumn 2019
Early Summer 2019

Elise, @keely gave me this about 2yrs ago, I brought it with me, once it gets going it thrives, gave it the Chelsea chop this year 😁 @auricula

Morning Jayne 👋 😁 ❤

Morning James 🙋♀️ @bandicoot


@auricula oh that’s fantastic!!
Early Autumn 2018

Love the shape of the flowers ❤️

They are lovely Kerry, cut it back a bit a month ago and it's flowering again 😊 @kez001uk

@jaynehynesburton wow that didn’t take long! I noticed a few buds on my new salvia so have hopes I might get a flower or 2 before the frosts now I know they move so fast 😋

Hope they do flower for you Kerry, hope the frost stays away @kez001uk
Mid Spring 2018

Looking mighty fine my lovely JQOC ready for the wedding 👰🏼😉 😘

House viewing Ness-Bobs so catch the highlights later 😁😘 @nessas

😂 See what you mean 😘 @nessas
Late Summer 2017

Thankyou @Keely

Should be Bummble Bee. Then it can transform into another flower 😊

Morning Jayne that's so gorgeous and bright 😍😍😍

Or should I say afternoon lol 😘

Afternoon Jane 😁 😘 @daisy-jane

Your welcome lovely little flower and its def a royal not a bummble 👍😉 😂

Yes it is, Thankyou so much Keely, no flowers on my black and blue yet but it looks really healthy. Hoping I can keep them in pots until next year as I probably told you, we are wanting to move and no way am I leaving them 😘 @keely

Just give them a mulch Jayne they should survive I put a layer of grass cuttings over top of my black n blue to keep heat in over winter as its half hardy it may flower next year as it was this years cutting. Royal bumble is pretty tough just cut that back next Spring after frosts 😆

Will do that Keely, Thankyou 😘 @keely

Ooh live that, here we go again..... Another one in the list!!

It's lovely Gill @pottybird42
@Keely gave me this as a cutting about 3yrs ago Elise, she might have a tip for you @auricula
Really easy to do from soft or hardwood cuttings @auricula I have often broke a hardwood cutting off n just shoved it in a pot and its rooted best take cuttings every couple of years or so as they can get woody at bottom otherwise unless you under plant them 😆