Salvia 'Royal Bumble' syn. Salvia x jamensis 'Royal Bumble'
Salvia 'Royal Bumble'
Early Summer 2020
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Early Summer 2020
- 9
Late Spring 2020
- 6

Salvia 'Royal Bumble' syn. Salvia x jamensis 'Royal Bumble'
Early Summer 2020
Early Summer 2020

I think this Salvia is becoming a favourite, the flowers are amazing. I love Royal Bumble ♥️♥️

I do too, love the scent of salvias ❤

@anges Surprisingly this is the little £3.99 one I bought. The bigger one isn't flowering much yet and it was planted a couple of weeks before this one. These cheap little Salvia's from the local GC really are great value ♥️♥️

I took my first cutting of my Salvia Hot Lips last year and it's started to flower this week! I was made up! 😃

@anges Wow Ange! Fantastic. Did you do the water method? I'm going to give it a go as I've heard again that it gives good results 😁💕💕

No I didn't use the water method - just put it in a pot of compost. Might try the water method though 🙂 @midnightgardener

@midnightgardener and @anges ooooh, enlighten me? What's the 'water method'? X

You simply snip a bit of the new growth off (without flowers) and put it in a jar of water. The roots should start to grow and then you can plant it up 😃 @dizzykris

Oh wow! That easy? I might take some cuttings then and give them away and spread salvia across Lancashire, lol, thanks for the advice x
Late Spring 2020

As soon as I saw this I knew it was a hardy one, and one I just naturally had to have! ♥️♥️

I’ve got this one ❤️ it’s survived 2 winters 🥶 so far 😉

@telswirld Great stuff. That's good to know. I'll see if it needs protecting though when winter sets in. My other Salvia's all manage. Although I over wintered two and one didn't make it. That was my Patio Blue one 😓💙💙

Had this one in my garden years Chris never had any protection def one of my hardiest 👌

@Keely Great! It sounds fab. Can't wait to see those flowers colour up 😀♥️♥️

There’s always that chance 😬
Royal Bumble is looking very good now ♥️♥️