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Profile Image Jeanne Bakker


Finally in a home where I can (hopefully) keep plants alive! I have quickly become succulent obsessed and have acquired many in too short of a time!

Sempervivum Skrocki's Beauty

  • Season Icon Early SpringEarly Spring 2020
  • Like Count 4

Various quality, sizes and stages of #sempervivum #hensandchicks Will be making this acceptable again soon! #neglect #thrives-on-neglect

  • Season Icon Early SpringEarly Spring 2020
  • Like Count 3

These really need some care and attention soon! #hensandchicks #sempervivum But they take a licking and just come back harder! Oh you smashed off the whole top if that one? I'll just grow 6 new heads from there. You didn't separate the #sempervivum-babies ? Well the babies will just have babies then and so on! I try to move what I can to my bigger #sempervivum-container but its hard to get them all in there without disrupting everything already in there!

  • Season Icon Early AutumnEarly Autumn 2019
  • Like Count 7

Some hens and chicks with some space to spread.I think this is the correct variety but I honestly didn't have time at the moment to get through the entire list! So please let me know if I ID'd wrong. #sempervivum #sempervivum-id. #hensandchicks
