These really need some care and attention soon! #hensandchicks #sempervivum But they take a licking and just come back harder! Oh you smashed off the whole top if that one? I'll just grow 6 new heads from there. You didn't separate the #sempervivum-babies ? Well the babies will just have babies then and so on! I try to move what I can to my bigger #sempervivum-container but its hard to get them all in there without disrupting everything already in there!
Some hens and chicks with some space to spread.I think this is the correct variety but I honestly didn't have time at the moment to get through the entire list! So please let me know if I ID'd wrong. #sempervivum #sempervivum-id. #hensandchicks
Various quality, sizes and stages of #sempervivum #hensandchicks Will be making this acceptable again soon! #neglect #thrives-on-neglect