Rose's are in another league. Whenever I weed the borders, I end up looking like I've had a fight with a wild cat! Worst of all is an unusual plant I have called "Puya Berteroniana". That has leaves like razor wire. An encounter with that is like having a fight with a hungry tiger! 🐯 It's absolutely evil! @kez001uk
It may be when it flowers. Mine are about 4 to 5 years old from seed. With this beast, you definitely have to take the rough (very rough) with the smooth (if I ever get any!) 😒 @kez001uk
24/4/2020 👽
They look so prickly 😨
Looks like an alien 😂😂
They are a bit prickly but nothing like as bad as roses, blackberries or other vicious ones @kez001uk
We come in peace Jules 🛸 @juliesgarden
@jeatacake can’t be any more mean than roses! Got stuck in the head by one today 😂
Rose's are in another league. Whenever I weed the borders, I end up looking like I've had a fight with a wild cat! Worst of all is an unusual plant I have called "Puya Berteroniana". That has leaves like razor wire. An encounter with that is like having a fight with a hungry tiger! 🐯 It's absolutely evil! @kez001uk
@jeatacake roses are so nasty 😡 that Puya plant, I just looked it up and wow! It’s a fascinating looking thing! Maybe just about worth the scratches?
It may be when it flowers. Mine are about 4 to 5 years old from seed. With this beast, you definitely have to take the rough (very rough) with the smooth (if I ever get any!) 😒 @kez001uk
@jeatacake even more impressive you’ve grown it from seed! Will be amazing when it does flower. Like childbirth you’ll forget all the pain 😉🤣😂
I'll take your word for that! It may be a few more years yet. Hoping it'll surprise me next year 🙏 @kez001uk