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Profile Image Jekatarina 🍃


Adding some jungle to my dwelling in an attempt to create a tiny botanical garden on the 3rd floor. 60+ plants on 56 kvm šŸŒ“šŸŒµInstagram: jungleon3rd

Ficus elastica

  • Season Icon Late WinterLate Winter 2019
  • Like Count 12
  • Season Icon Late WinterLate Winter 2019
  • Like Count 8
  • Season Icon Mid WinterMid Winter 2019
  • Like Count 9

So full and healthy! Beautiful!


@cpl721 Thank you so much! Itā€™s all my Dadā€™s work, though. He passed this tree on to me the other day after having nurtured it for around 30 years. Started out as just a little plant :D Itā€™s the only family heirloom we have, so now itā€™s my job to continue its journey and one day, passing it on to the next generation.


@Jekatarina wow that is so cool! It really is beautiful! How big is it? I got married on February 11, 1978. 3 days later my husband gave me a tiny Schefflera in a 4ā€pot. Today it is 41 years old and going strong. Hopefully one day I will hand it down to one of our children!


@cpl721 Thatā€™s a beautiful gift and how amazing to hear that you still have it! Thereā€™s just something about plants that have grown over such a long period of time 🙌 Also, itā€™s a gift that just keeps on giving and growing. Real love! Just tried to measure it and it comes in at a height on 34 inches from pot bottom to top and 31 inches in width. I cannot wait to see how big it will get over time. It was complete pot bound, so I provided a new pot for it to grow even bigger in 😁


@cpl721 Do you have pictures of your Schefflera here on GT? Really want to see it 🙌😁


@Jekatarina no I havenā€™t posted it, but I will and when I do I will tag you. Itā€™s not as big as you would expect it to be. The trunk really twist and turns, my husband saids it represents our life together.


@Jekatarina lol, Iā€™m a little superstitious, the plant is going strong, and so are we! Might have to give mine to my son, my daughter lives in St. Thomas and talks about us moving there someday. If we were to move there I donā€™t think I wouldnā€™t be allowed to take my plants with me. I have about 300, and canā€™t imagine my son having enough time to care for them all. Your rubber tree is so bushy! I imagine when you repot him, he will grow ever bigger!
