OPINIONS NEEDED!!! My VERY FIRST GARDENIA!!! MY PRIDE AND JOY IM SO EXCITED! I need yours opinion who have experience So how well do they do in a pot versus in the ground? And the spot I was thinking if I do put it in the ground is direct sunlight just part of the morning and then around noon become shady but bright. Thank you so much
OPINIONS NEEDED!!! My VERY FIRST GARDENIA!!! MY PRIDE AND JOY IM SO EXCITED! I need yours opinion who have experience So how well do they do in a pot versus in the ground? And the spot I was thinking if I do put it in the ground is direct sunlight just part of the morning and then around noon become shady but bright. Thank you so much
Cyndi hi what do. Meanwhi
Is it August Beauty? Part shade no afternoon Sun generally speaking. Different varieties have slightly different needs