African Lily
- Late Spring 2024
- 19
- 2
- Early Spring 2023
- 15
- 7
- Early Spring 2023
- 10
- 1
- Mid Summer 2021
- 31
- 2
- Mid Summer 2021
- 25
- 4
- Mid Summer 2020
- 34
- 2
- Mid Summer 2020
- 19
- 7
- Mid Summer 2020
- 19
- 13
- Mid Summer 2020
- 11
- 1
- Mid Summer 2019
- 47
- 7
- Early Summer 2019
- 31
- 7
- Mid Summer 2018
- 32
- 6
- Early Spring 2018
- 39
- 11
- Late Spring 2024
- 19
- Early Spring 2023
- 15
And after a tidy up and feed.
Big improvement
Indeed Joan. I’ve two and they both looked sad when I uncovered them. But they’ll spring back 😁 @joannie.a
Lovely, think I've lost all mine☹️
Hope not Celina. Wait and see 🤞🏻 @cee
I think I've lost mine too. Usually store them in a small wooden frame but it broke last year. So they stayed outside. The evergreen variants foliage all died back and no signs of life 💔 hoping the other ones that usually die back anyway come back. When should I start to expect to see signs of life?
Oh dear. That’s not good. My evergreen ones stay outside all year but I put fleece on them in the winter. I think you should see shoots from now on. Monty always says if you think you’ve lost a plant leave it got a full year before throwing it out. They can surprise you 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 @Ryan180680
- Early Spring 2023
- 10
Agapanthus after removing winter fleece jacket.
- Mid Summer 2021
- 31
Spectacular flower
Beautiful flowers.
- Mid Summer 2021
- 25
I think these agapanthus have liked being split after they broke their pot last year. These blooms are bigger than my head!
I can see you!!
A great African lily. Lovely photo with yourself behind.
I have to split mine this year. Another job to be done.
- Mid Summer 2020
- 34
And my reward! 💙. Teamed with lysimachia 💛
Very pretty 💙💙💛💛
- Mid Summer 2020
- 19
Well four hours later the agapanthus is out of the pot 🥵. Sawn literally- into chunks. Leaving it to callous overnight before potting on to prevent rot. What a job! Lesson learned.
Could you not have picked a hotter day....😆
It needed to be done Nicola it'll be worth it in the end
Worth the work and just think of all the exta plants.
Well done...time for a long cool drink! 🥵
Thank you Joan and Angela. Pot seems to have mended so hope to replant some of it tomorrow @joannie.a @italydiva @alan1111
That’s good news 😊
- Mid Summer 2020
- 19
Whoops. Think this needs repotted.
I had that happen earlier in the year. Good luck 😱💪💪😂
It’s so annoying Jane. It’s a huge pot. Fortunately it’s a clean break so I’m going to try to repair it. I knew it needed repotted but was hoping to do it at the end of the summer @pelly
I think it was trying to tell you something 🤔😂
Good idea trying to repair it nicola
I’ve got the message -the hard way Jane 🤣 @pelly
Hopefully it will mend Akan. I’ve had that pot for years -it was a present -and would cost a fortune to replace 🤞🏻 @alan1111
Monty said that when agapanthus breaks a pot is the best time to repot it, not earlier. 👍😊
You can only do your best they are crazy expensive
Oh dear...good luck with the repair!
Thank you Urszula for cheering me up. I couldn’t believe it when I saw it. Hope alls going well at the new house. @ublaszko
You're welcome 💞💞 Yes, the new house turned up at the right time for us. And we've discovered we have a hedgehog 🦔😍 Just one so far but Pudgy's Bar is open 😄😄 Fresh biscuits and chicken in jelly every day 👍😉
- Mid Summer 2020
- 11
Two for the price of one! I’ve never seen two flower heads coming off one stem 🤍
- Mid Summer 2019
- 47
Just starting to open 💙. You can see the white one in the background getting ready to pop too
Stunning! 💜💜💜
These are so beautiful Nicola 💙💙
My husband told me to chuck them out because ‘ they sit there all year taking up a huge pot doing nothing’. Men! @pelly
They just don't have a clue do they 😂😂
They are beautiful
- Early Summer 2019
- 31
Harry is counting the blue agapanthus flower stalks. 12 so far. I knew he was smart but didn’t realise he could count!
Clever boy, pets are just awesome so clever 😍
Who’s a clever boy then.....😉
Aww bless 😍😍
Beautiful garden Nicola
Thanks Alan! @alan1111
- Mid Summer 2018
- 32
Agapanthus blooms dwarfing my hand span. Best year ever 💙
You have a very petite hand Nicola 😉😁 Lovely bloom!
I do Urszula but these flower heads are the biggest they’ve ever been. Enjoy your day @ublaszko
Oh heck what a beaut....💙
What a fab colour.
Lovely example!
- Early Spring 2018
- 39
I couldn’t believe my eyes. My agapanthus have been looking terrible in the cold and I was having a poke - professional gardening term! - and I found two flower stalks. One decidedly healthier than the other but still amazing 😃 @lovemygarden65
Wow, she says running off to check hers...............🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️ no nothing 👎😂😂
I’m kind of stunned myself Jane as I only got one flower stalk all last year! @pelly Doubt they will come to much if this cold weather continues.
Finger crossed. Mine didn’t flower at all last year, I’m hoping for better this year 💙💙
Fingers crossed for you too Jane @pelly 🤞🏻💙🤞🏻💙
The only thing I found on mine was a #lilybeetle which has now gone off to rainbow bridge! 😊
Just home but will check tomorrow Nicola , glad yours is waking up @jendren 👍👍👍
I’d have thought it was too early for it to wake up Marilyn. Despite those flower stalks the leaves are an awful colour - more yellow than green. Hope it’s not on it’s way out and having a last hurrah 😬 @lovemygarden65
Wow that's impressive already. Mine look sickly yellow
Yes Julie. The leaves on mine are pretty yellow too. So I cut off the yellow bits - don’t know if you’re meant to do this ! - gave it some fish blood and bone and topped up the compost. So I can’t do much more. It’s up to it now! @vec
I do the same but haven't got round to it yet .... need some dry sunny weather to get onto the borders 🤔
#tuesdaychoice #blue 💙
That’s lovely 💙💙