Lathyrus odoratus
Sweet Pea
Early Spring 2025
- 3
Mid Summer 2020
- 1
Mid Spring 2020
- 4
Mid Autumn 2019
- 1
Early Summer 2019
- 4
Late Autumn 2018
- 3
Early Summer 2018
- 1
Early Summer 2018
- 4
Late Winter 2018
- 3
Late Winter 2018
- 11
Late Winter 2018
- 3
Mid Winter 2017
- 2

Lathyrus odoratus
Early Spring 2025
Mid Summer 2020

An arty shot of a sweet pea!
Mid Spring 2020

Sweet pea are in. It’s a bit early really here but I have no choice they were starting to suffer in the root trainers

I had to do the same with mine a couple of weeks ago Nicola 👍

It’s a bit of a gamble Jane but they are quite well protected by other plants. So here’s hoping @pelly

Mine are super late, I sowed them the right time but none came up, so I had to order more that took time, now I have then they are in water, I'll politburo in water in the fridge then wait a week
Mid Autumn 2019

We have lift off! Sweet peas seeds planted in the growhouse ten days ago are germinating. 😁
Early Summer 2019

Nice little bunch of sweet pea brightening things up 💜❤️💓

Oh the rabbit 😍, my friend has one and every time I visit I want to take it home!!

Beautiful colours together 💜@jendren

I picked my first bunch last night ❤️💜
Late Autumn 2018
Early Summer 2018

Sweet pea Heirloom Flake. Nice to have something a bit different.
Early Summer 2018

Sweet pea Matacuna and Prince of Orange. Love a colour clash 💜🧡

Love the dark ones..

They make a nice change Elaine. @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Late Winter 2018
Late Winter 2018

Sweet Pea or Day of the Triffids? 😁 this is what happens when you germinate them in the hot press and forget about them -duh! Hopefully they will sort themselves out after they have been nipped back.

Whoops 🤔🤔

Happens to the best of us Jane 😂

Gosh !!

😁That happened to my sweet pea last year! So I put them straight out and they sorted themselves. But that was in the summer.

I was at my gardening club tonight and our speaker was the propagator from Mount Stewart National Trust.. he said he had seen worse (!) and they should be ok and not to replant them deeper but leave alone. Fingers crossed @pelly @Denise16 @charlotte @bigemrg

That’s worth knowing, because I would have buried them deeper Nicola, live and learn. 😃😃

Good information Nicola! I'll have to remember that if mine ever decide to do a Jack and the Beanstalk impression! 😀

Ok good to know! Will you be putting them out yet?

Too cold here yet Denise. Will probably wIt a few more weeks. @Denise16

Freezing here today too 🙄
Late Winter 2018

Look what came today. Thought I’d try “posh” sweet pea this year. Will get planting them ASAP into my root trainer loo roll tubes

Oh very posh ☺️

Hope they’re as good as the last two years seeds from B&M Bargains - which were excellent! @juliesgarden
Mid Winter 2017

I planted some seeds from this summer's sweet pea. I got 8 up initially which I transplanted into individual pots and cosseted inside. I put the old tray outside. Guess what? The 8 inside are down to one surviving and some seeds have germinated in the abandoned tray. Moral - treat them mean!

Sweet pea have decided to make an appearance. Poppies in the cells behind them.
Oh dear, i should start these seeds asap
Yes get a move on! 😁 @lifeonaroofterrace