Agrostemma githago
Late Spring 2018
- 4
Early Spring 2018
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 2
Mid Autumn 2017
- 8

Agrostemma githago
Late Spring 2018
Early Spring 2018

#corncockle #seedling
Early Spring 2018

#corncockle #seedling 💕 #seeds gifted by @daisy-jane 💕 #seedling-id

Yay more sproutlings 💃💃💃 💃😁👍
Mid Autumn 2017

#corncockle #cataloguing #seedexchange #purple #giftfromdaisy-jane #sharingiscaring #jennseeds2018

Because the plant is tall it needs to be grown up by a wall or fence or in a mixture of other annuals. It does particularly well in a mix of Field Poppy, Cornflower, Corn Marigold and Corn Chamomile. #companionplanting

Sow in the soil where you want it to grow and cover very lightly. Sow in August -September for flowers in June. Sow in early Spring, March-April, for flowers in July to August

*I make two sowings…one in Spring and one in Autumn. This will give you a longer season. Having plants in the cutting patch over the winter means their roots will be growing like Billio despite nothing really happening on top. Come spring time they will rocket up Also having a little greenery in the patch in December makes me feel rather smug.

The genus name Agrostemma is from the Greek agros meaning 'field' and stemma meaning 'crown or garland'. The flowers used to be woven into harvest festival wreaths.

Sow Outside: 1/8 inch (3 mm). Following the last frost. Spacing 9 to 12 inches (25 to 30 cm). Sow Inside: Germination time: two to three weeks. Temperature 55 to 65°F (13 to 18°C). Seven or eight weeks in advance. Transplant outdoors following the last frost or in autumn (in warm climates).

#sowindoors March 15th

@llamadrama see notes above. Corncockle
My first #corncockle #flower from @daisy-jane 💕 can you tell it's been windy? Lol. #fuzzypicture #bestIgot
Woohoo 💃💃 she's a beauty even windswept lol 😁😘
I'm patiently waiting for mine! @jennlamaye. @daisy-jane
I'm hoping to get yours sent soon Kim hun 😁 it's been hectic the last couple of weeks, first my mum was in hospital then my son ended up in a week later, thankfully everyone's ok now and I can get everyone's seeds sorted lol @kimguy 😘😁👍