Cortaderia selloana
Late Spring 2018
Late Winter 2018

Not loving this stuff. Going to dig up and move a part of it to be in the background.
Mid Spring 2017

Help me identify this plant #PlantID I know it's some sort of #ornamental #grass... #White stripe down the middle... So does that mean #variegated ?

@jennlamaye yes verigated! Are the edges sharp?(like it could cut you to shreds). If so it may be a pompous grass, if so my advice is to get rid of it-they become uncontrollable monsters!! But don't untill you find out for sure

@ShelleySnyder I don't think so, but I'll definitely check... My little one likes to hide behind bushes, so that would be bad!

@jennlamaye yes that would be bad!! Pompous grass is really just a giant cut you to shreds weed so I hope it's not that and it's a nice ornamental grass!😍


Huh, must check out. Doesn't look good. But on the upside, if it is #pampasgrass , that gives me a new place to put something else when I take it out! ;-)
Bye bye #pampasgrass 😒 You have hurt me and my flowers for the last time.
That's funny. I've never liked the plant and bees tend to nest in them down here, anyway.
@learntobstill I liked the idea. But it smothers everything. My four year old plays around in the garden and I was worried about it scratching his face. I tried to cut apart the bulk to save some, but wasn't very successful. Oh well. 😏
Yep they can hurt you just walking past them.