Late Winter 2018
- 1
Mid Winter 2018
- 13
Late Autumn 2017
- 5
Mid Autumn 2017
- 1

Solenostemon scutellarioides syn. Plectranthus scutellarioides, Coleus scutellarioides, Coleus blumei
Late Winter 2018
Mid Winter 2018

My #coleus #seedlings make me smile. 😁


@jennlamaye they take ages to sprout 😢 I have them in a greenhouse dome and with light on them.. hopefully by the time I come back home I’ll see some babies!

As it should for those of us that are #coleuscrazy, right Shelley?!? 😁😚😅 @ShelleySnyder

@KariSamuel yes!! I don't need no intervintion! Do you!?🤣😉💘😍

Lovely colors


@veepaisal they took about two weeks to germinate, and they are slow growers at first. 😉 These are just over three months old. I’ve been slow to pot up because I don’t want them to get too big to fit under the lights.

@columbiariver they might say mix, but I’ve not had luck with that being the case. I’ve got some seeds I bought this year, I’ll send you some! And I’ll make sure I collect seeds from these when they blooming again!

@jennlamaye I saw 2 sprouted.... but not the rest yet lol 😂

That’s weird! Did I send you the seed from botanical or ed hume? I think I wrote a little note in the top right corner if you remember. @veepaisal

@jennlamaye I think the botanical one. Saw a few more sprouted... but hey no complaints here and I have not planted the ones you sent me, I found these KONG seeds from Joblot and decided to try them before giving yours a go (I will plant more when I come back) since I have an unplanned and unexpected last minute trip overseas.
Late Autumn 2017

My own baby #coleus #seedlings from my #speckled coleus seeds! So exciting! #freeplants #grownfromseed #coleuscrazy 💕

@columbiariver I was interested in seeing what they would look like because they are the first coleus I’ve grown from my own seeds. 💕

@columbiariver so far everything that has seeded in my garden has also grown. Which is pretty exciting! I couldn’t get portulaca to grow indoors though, not enough light I suspect. Are you trying anything indoors right now?

Sweet! ❤️ @columbiariver

@veepaisal this was their size at about four weeks.
Mid Autumn 2017

#coleus #speckled #green and #red #germination 11 days #jennplanted171027
#coleus #colors #green #red #speckled #foliagefriday #coleuscrazy #canthavejustone