Mid Spring 2020
- 25
Late Winter 2020
- 5
Late Winter 2020
- 3
Late Summer 2019
- 1
Late Summer 2019
- 7
Mid Spring 2019
- 18
Late Summer 2018
- 12
Late Summer 2018
- 2
Mid Summer 2018
- 8
Mid Summer 2018
- 1
Mid Summer 2018
- 14
Early Summer 2018
- 6
Mid Spring 2018
- 40
Early Winter 2018
- 3
Mid Autumn 2017
- 25
Mid Autumn 2017
- 7
Mid Autumn 2017
- 7
Late Summer 2017
- 10
Late Summer 2017
- 5
Mid Summer 2017
- 7

Solenostemon scutellarioides syn. Plectranthus scutellarioides, Coleus scutellarioides, Coleus blumei
Mid Spring 2020
Late Winter 2020

Love the hot colours in the foliage of this one #foliagefriday #coleuswintersun 💛💘💛💘

Beautiful 😊

Love it!💘😍

@lovemygarden65 @ShelleySnyder thanks ladies 😊

My pleasure Keely!💘😍
Late Winter 2020

Taken cuttings of this one love the foliage #foliagefriday #coleuspeterswonder #coleus 💓💚💓💚

@linfoster I nip the flowers out or it stops the new growth they are very tiny anyway so you hardly see them 😊

Super foliage! Great that you've got cuttings 😊😊♥️♥️
Late Summer 2019

Another of today's purchase #coleuspeterswonder 💞💚💞💚
Late Summer 2019

New purchase bought a baby of this one today @anges this is it in full 💘💛💘💛 #coleuswintersun


@novicegardenlover thanks Susan 😆

Fabulous! 🧡💛🧡💛🧡😀

@anges that's why I had to get it 💛

Oh that’s gorgeous 🤤

@kez001uk @gjones thanks peeps couldn't resist a hot one 💛💘💛
Mid Spring 2019

A few of my #coleus plants. #cuttings taken from last years plants and over wintered indoors. I've got triple this amount.

I love these 🙂

Nice one Keely. I really like the one on the right in the middle 👌

Love love love them!💘😍

@charlotte awe thank you 😄

@jeatacake thanks Jeff that ones inky fingers shame you weren't closer took about 7 cuttings of these they take so well could have easily of done loads more 😄

@ShelleySnyder thought you might got my inspiration from all your lovely ones 😘

I've not tried them as cuttings, but will have to later this year. I'd definitely have some of your inky fingers if I was a bit nearer. Great name BTW! 😁

Wow! You did well! They’re such amazing colours 😍

@Keely where am I going wrong 3rd time of trying to grow them mine keep withering away what am I doing wrong? 😭

@rachelbrooks thanks hun

@mellybobs Mel do you put them in gritty soil when doing cuttings and water from base, don't over water they prefer to be drier!
Late Summer 2018

Morning peeps unfortunately this lovely coleus succumbed to the winds yesterday thankfully I took cuttings last week so hopefully I can over winter them for next year. 💨🍃💨 Stay safe in those winds peeps, have a good day.😊

@gjones winds calmed down so far due rain later this afternoon so anything left leaning and looking drunk will probably snap today hey ho saves me snipping it 😂😂👍💚

Morning Keely. Good job you took cuttings ....I could barely stand up at one point in those winds!! Only a few broken branches here fortunately. Take care ....enjoy your day 👋☺💨

Morning Keely, I haven't dared to look outside yet as a couple of cosmos were looking decidedly half cut last night, hopefully we'll both get off lightly

Oh 😢 glad you got some cuttings though! 👍🏼😘

Morning Keely what a shame, I haven’t had time to check yet but I know I have casualties...😣

Morning Hun , hope it’s better today 👍☺️

@Jasonsparkes1 UK looks a bit of a wash out 😲

Oh no! You lost your big beautiful coleus! So glad you got some starts!💘😍

@Jasonsparkes1 it's making up for lost time 😟😕

@ShelleySnyder thank you just in time 😄

Late Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2018

#foliagefriday #grownfromseed

Love the colour of those leaves.

@charlotte thanks Hun mixed seeds so lots of different shades 😘

👍looks great

@Diane76 thank you 😄

Fabulous 💗💚💜

@lovemygarden65 thank you 😄

@gjones thank you 😄
Mid Summer 2018

#foliagefriday #grownfromseed
Mid Summer 2018

This was a cutting from last years plant that I over wintered indoors looking fabulous outside now #coleuscuttings #overwinter-inside

Love the colour of this one.

@charlotte it's doing great in shade striking colours in it 💘💛 thanks Hun 😘

Oooooooweeeeee!! Fabulous indeed!!💘😍

Beautiful 💛❤️💛

Fantastic 👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

@ShelleySnyder @lovemygarden65 @Jasonsparkes1 @juliesgarden thank you luvvies 😄

Luv 😊

@Williamson thank you 😄

So welcome!💘😍

Gorgeous! 😍

Fab u Lous
Early Summer 2018
Mid Spring 2018

So pleased with this mix managed to prick out a mix of colours all done from seed @jpea told you I would have spares all doing well👌💚💕💚

Oh wow, definitely jealous I tried seeding last year and they just wouldn’t take😔

Well done!!

Looking fantastic

Can you grow those outside? I always associate them with my Nan who had them inside. Would love them in my garden!

Evening keely @keely they all look Great Well Done 👏 growing them from seed 😘

@mattiebe thank you really pleased with them the seeds were so fine I sowed hundreds gave mum spare pot and hers are doing well too 😄

They look great 😀 @Keely

@joanboston thank you Joan really pleased with my first attempt 😊

@nmg333 thank you Neil 😄

@itstillhelen yes they can be grown as bedding plants in summer outside not frost hardy but once established you can plant them out prefer a sunny spot but I had some in a few hours of shade too last year and they were fine 😐

Well done, so lucky haha @Keely
Early Winter 2018
Mid Autumn 2017

Missed the #frost tag yesterday as was dark when I got home woke up to see my poor coleus didn't miss the frost though, night night coleus will try keep your cuttings alive in house for next year 😁

Aww shucks...!!

Oh no! No frost here yet, just rain. Perhaps all UK garden taggers should send your plants to me to nick I mean look after 😉 Very glad you took cuttings @Keely, a wise bit of advice 💚😢💚

@Keely I expect the same here. Trying to keep my cuttings alive indoors too. 💕 #winterindoors #coleuscrazy

@JustJill i knew as soon as frost hit these wouldn't survive got 4 cuttings all doing well Jill just not good with house plants so got myself a challenge, going to try some from seeds too next year to try some different colours as its been lovely this year 😄

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom I know nasty frost 🙄

@jennlamaye good luck with yours Jenn too 😆

@Keely Cut it back Keely and cover.....you never know..🤞🏼

Oh dear. That looks how I feel ☹☹

Awww! Like but not like!

@charlotte i feel same in this weather too I could go to bed for Winter and come back in Spring maybe I should be a perennial 😂😂😂

@valjones-hughes I know Val soon wipes out the garden still we all need a rest too 😄
Mid Autumn 2017

Slowly changing colour hope my cuttings in house make it through Winter 🌺💛💗


@ShelleySnyder thanks hun 🤗


Wow! 💛❤️💛 can you not bring the whole plant in overwinter Keely? 🤔

@rachelbrooks its in my clematis pot hun so would be hard to dig out without disturbing roots and I've mulched it with 4" of manure now 😊 4 cuttings have taken well 😆

Ah ok! 👍🏼👍🏼
Mid Autumn 2017

My coleus cuttings doing great roots showing at bottom will pot them on have them as #houseplants for over Winter if I don't kill them and do more cuttings in Spring for outside or that's my plan 😁

#overwinter #coleus-overwinter


Good plan Keely, I'm doing the same 😀

Fab job! 👍🏼 Good grief! Look at the Latin name! 😳😂

@rachelbrooks thanks hun don't you know Latin name I know it off by heart simples 😂😂😂

Late Summer 2017

#foliagefriday 😃

I love that. Could I grow it in a pot ?

@Keely ❤️❤️❤️❤️

@charlotte mines in a pot Charlotte not hardy but easy from seed so you should be fine with your seed success in veg I've taken cuttings to see if I can over Winter in house 😃

@Jasonsparkes1 thank you its thrived in shade other one in part sun is not half as big as this one 😃

@ukjohnny thank you 😃

@ShelleySnyder thanks hun 😆

If it thrives in shade then it's a great one for my garden❤💛👍

@belindah its only an annual but great for pots for colour in Summer 👍 im going to try over winter cuttings for next year in house 😆

Ah right!...if I get one I'll have it in a pot then see if I can overwinter it indoors. Thanks👍
Late Summer 2017

#foliagefriday #coleus 💕💚💕

Gorgeous 💕💚

Lovely foliage 😊💕💚💕

Fabulous colours 💗💚💗

Mid Summer 2017

Great for #shade and come in a variety of colours #coleus

😍 this was the first plant I ever grew. We each had our own coleus at school that we took home once they were big enough to pot 🙂

@AlisaJ awe memories how lovely 💕💕

Think I'll always have a soft spot for this plant Keely 💝

@ukjohnny thanks chuck 😊

Gorgeous 😍

@greenfinger14 thanks hun 😃
Morning peeps Yey its Friday nearly weekend its been a long week at work be glad to get some head space 😊 soon be #wineoclock 🍸🍷 Love this #coleuspeterswonder for its colour 💓💜💓💜 have a fab Friday folks 😄 #foliagefriday
Morning Keely. Stunning colour ....enjoy your day 👋😃👌
@Keely It’s still Wednesday night in California and I’m drinking 🍷 so it’s always wine o clock somewhere. Lol. Lovely shot.
@Keely oops I meant to say Thursday night. Burp. Haha
Morning Keely 🙋♀️💞
Wow that's stunning Keely 😳👍
@philstalder sounds good enough to me Phil 🍸🍷😄😂
As I said, I need to keep an 👀 on this wineoclock business 😁
Morning 😀 fab colour!! 💕💕💕
Morning Keely....I take it you’re a key worker...in that case enjoy your weekend and wine..🍷
I'm having to stretch out my wine till my shopping delivery on 27th 😬🍾
@Keely fabulous colours, don’t I over do it. Have a lovely weekend 🍹. Are you back to work on Monday. X