Aeonium Mardi Gras
Early Spring 2020
Mid Winter 2020


My Dad @docthrill has one of these. I absolutely love them!! 💚 One of my favorite aeoniums 🥰

@sarahkbartley I couldn't pass it up! 😍 I knew I had seen it on here before but couldn't remember who had one.

It's beautiful!! I wouldn't be able to pass it up if I saw one, either 😍 and yes! My Dad has one. It's one of his favorites. He will be happy to see that you have one, as well 💚

Oh so beautiful!

Thank you @shawnasea !
@docthrill help! My #aeonium-mardigras keeps losing leaves. I'm watering about once a week. Does it need more or less water? More sunlight?
Water once a week and mist them a little every day. I do this with all my Aeoniums 3 pumps of water. I also put rocks under the leaves to keep them off the dirt. I too have lost leaves, it’s going to do this when they are small. The bigger it gets the less that will happen. Give it 4 hours of some good sunlight in your window, I have a green house environment so the harsh direct sunlight is filtered a little
Thanks @docthrill I haven't been misting. I'll try that and the rocks.