Echeveria Desmetiana v. Peacocki
Echeveria 'Peacockii'
Late Winter 2018
- 0
Late Winter 2018
- 0
Early Winter 2018
- 0
Early Winter 2017
- 5
Mid Autumn 2017
- 5
Early Autumn 2017
- 7

Echeveria Desmetiana v. Peacocki
Late Winter 2018
Late Winter 2018
Early Winter 2018
Early Winter 2017

Look at how lovely she is!! #echeveria-peacockii #succulents

Now that’s beautiful! Certainly lives up to her name! She resembles a peacock. The Jade in the background is mesmerizing tho! It’s huge! How old is she?

@veepaisal thanks I'm so scared to cut the head off:/ she is a lovely peacock! The jade is my moms..... original plant was from over 30 years ago. Just keeps growing, we've gifted cuttings from this to so many people over the years💛☮

@jenx1n you don’t have to chop her head if you don’t wish to, she does seem a lil etiolated to the right maybe place her under some good light so she stays peacockii 😁 beautiful Jade!

Beautiful💜💜💜 @jenx1n
Mid Autumn 2017

Can anyone #help with what my next step should be..... is this lovely dying? Not sure what has happened. #succulent #planthelp

From my understanding (I’m not an expert), the bottom leaves will die as new leaves grow on the top. I could be wrong. But then again the plant looks fine, just a little etiolated. Needs more sun. I would remove the dead leaves below and make sure that it’s in a new pot, with new soil, take this chance to see if the roots are fine :) hope this helps @jenx1n

Good call @veepaisal

@PunkyKy thanks Kyla! Learnt from all the best here on GT 😂

This is a great place to learn Vanessa! I've learned so much! 💚💜💚 @veepaisal
Early Autumn 2017

Help me identify this plant #succulent

I'm pretty sure it's an Echeveria

#plantid I know it's echeveria...... having a hard time narrowing it down. Does anybody know if this a #peacockii #succulent #help

#plantid @KariSamuel @alovealoe @ambitiouswolf @skellyshelly @bpetty55 @PunkyKy @cyndi

It could be a 'painted lady' or a peacockii....they all look so similar sometimes....

Definitely could be a #echeveria-peacockii

Very cool color!