Dahlia (Bedding Varieties)
Late Summer 2017
Mid Summer 2017

Just love this little beauty

That's beautiful! 😍 do you know which variety this one is?


@richard.spicer.7906, sorry Richard, I checked it's just a Patio Dahlia apparently

Aw, no worries - thanks for checking 👍🏼

@jep1978 I planted new dahlia bulbs back in late spring & the plants have grown around 10inches tall but something has been eating away at all the leaves ☹️. There's still a while before we'll see buds, but it's upsetting me because it's my first attempt growing these. Any solutions would be great guys 🙏🏼

@RuH I have had the same problem too. There's all sorts of deterrents available, grit on the soil around the base, if you are growing in pots copper tape around the edges. It's not only slugs and snails that like dahlias. Earwigs love to munch dahlias and there are a load of anti Earwig things you could do ranging from pots to catching them to putting Vaseline on the stems. You could always try a garlic spray as well to keep the munch bunch away and habitat to draw in predators like toads.

So pretty 👌💕💕💕

Love the dahlias, beautiful color.!

So pretty 🌸🌸🌸🌸


These are beautiful ❣
#dahlia #cutflowers
@jep1978 that's so cute!!💛💛💛💙
Cute combo with teapot!
Beautiful arrangement Jo 💛💙💛
@jep1978 - Hi Jo & thank you for following me! 🌴🌺🐾
Thanks for all the likes 😍@jep1978
I love this💟
Just lovely 💛🌿and good pic 📸👏👏👏
I love yellow 😍