Dahlia (Bedding Varieties)
Bedding Dahlia
Mid Summer 2021
- 1
Mid Summer 2021
- 7
Mid Autumn 2020
- 3
Late Summer 2020
- 9
Early Summer 2020
- 3
Late Summer 2019
- 7
Late Summer 2019
- 1
Late Summer 2019
- 1
Late Summer 2019
- 1
Late Summer 2019
- 1
Late Summer 2019
- 6
Mid Summer 2019
- 6

Dahlia (Bedding Varieties)
Mid Summer 2021
Mid Summer 2021

One the few to survive the earwigs

Pretty 💛 I have slugs in abundance but don't recall the last time I saw an earwig?🤔 Not in years!!

Something we rarely see down here but I remember when I lived up there my mums were covered .. always creeped me out ! 😂

I think it's the earwigs that eat my plants rather than slugs too! @hebelover

I genuinely didn't even realise they were a pest!!😯 @cee

The little buggers love my clematis and dahlias too🤬 @hebelover

The slugs and snails have demolished all my dahlias I've had to dig them up and put them in pots for now!
Mid Autumn 2020
Late Summer 2020

Morning folks on the #dahliaday hope its a grand one for all

Morning Jeremy so far so good here, time to start moving plants to settle in for autumn day mi thinks 😊 lovely colour 💘

I've still got a few waiting in pots for the supposed summer ones to finish Keely. My cosmos has loads of buds but still to flower @Keely

I've took two up already that only had a few tiny buds left on them to get head start to dry them out, I got caught out last year with all rain. Still got one cosmos to flower myself as its more in shade it does have buds just need more sun 😯

My cosmos are in full sun, if we get any 😒 these are bedding dahlia so I thought they were just annuals? @Keely

Your bedding ones will form small tubers Jeremy so if you could be bothered you can take them up and over winter them or risk leaving them in if they are in a dryish bed see if they come back next year as tubers will only be small, even dahlias done from seed form tubers 😄

Thanks Keely, they're in a kind of raised bed so I might just leave them and put a mulch over them later @Keely

Worth a try good luck 😄

Morning Jeremy, they're a lovely colour 🌺🌺🌺
Early Summer 2020
Late Summer 2019

Morning all, late summer/ autumn colours looking good #latesummerautumncolours

Love the colours on this Jeremy 🧡💛

Morning, so lovely 🌞

Its pretty big too Jane, one of my best 😁

Morning Ange, they are a great way to get colours at this time of year 🙂

Morning jp...💛🧡❤️🧡💛

Morning Elaine 🙋♂️🙋♂️
Late Summer 2019

Dahlia x hybrida 'Grandalia Dark Red Imperial' #cataloguing thats the last of them 😊
Late Summer 2019

#cataloguing Dahlia x hybrida Grandalia 'orange'
Late Summer 2019

Gallery Pablo "orange/yellow #cataloguing
Late Summer 2019

Cerise coloured but no label #cataloguing
Late Summer 2019
Mid Summer 2019

Please help me identify this plant #plantid I thought it was a dahlia but not sure now

Salvia bedding plant

Ah thanks Jayne, label has disappeared

Could be Desert Fire

It's pretty enough, the gusty winds are playing havoc with my plants 😩

You're not on your own JP, sick of it
Morning folks and happy #wildlifewednesday everyone