Lagenaria siceraria
Early Autumn 2018
Mid Summer 2017

Spray painted dried gourds

@gjones @sue1953 that's what I did with dried gourd

Lovely how long do they last?

@sue1953 I think it will last for many years. Matured dried gourd is very hard. You need a saw to cut it open

#gourd #diy #paint #gold #spraypaint

You've done a great job!
Mid Summer 2017

Green #calabash on vine aka bottle gourd.

What does that taste like? Is it a veg or fruit? Forgive my ignorance. 😀

Wowzers!!! How long is this gourd?

Lol @sue1953 not a lot of people know about gourd. It's a veg, I would say it's very similar to winter squash. You can do a lot with gourd, stir fried, soup and omelette. It's very popular in Asia.

@gjones I'm going to eat some and keep some to dry it. Last year I sprayed paint some for decoration. I will post picture to show you.

Thank you For your feedback.

#gourd #stirfry #soup #omelette

@kaigia this one is about 15cm, it can grow to about 30cm.
This pretty bad boy been eating my plants #caterpillar
I’m pretty sure @treefrog44 can tell us about this colorful, interesting looking guy😊💕
He is a work of art!
Looks like a mistletoe moth caterpillar... not finding a lot of info on this guy.... native to Australia @terrimclaughlin
How big is it? Are there any gum trees nearby with mistletoe growing on them?
@brightcolours we don’t have any gum trees near by. I was thinking the same too because I’ve seen them on gum trees before.
@lovestogarden he’s beautiful but nasty 😁
@gjones calabash is can cook it the way you would cook zucchini.
#calabash #edible