Codiaeum variegatum 'Gold Dust'
Late Winter 2017
Late Winter 2017

Help me identify this plant

Freinds help me to identity this plant.

This is 'Croton gold dust'

#croton #crotongolddust #variegated
Why leaves of peace lily is becoming yellow..
@teamgardentags why leaves are turning yellow...suggest
Is your soil dry, moist or wet? How often do you Water it and how much do you Water it? When was the last time you fertilised it?
#peacelily-advice @leisel @nej @deekay
#brightcolours I have added this plant recently and I m beginner.
That looks like an older leaf. I would say that you need to fertilise
#brightcolours usually I keep watering in 2-3 days vry little just to moist soil.
Also I removed yellow leaves now, any suggestions plz ?
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@brightcolours thanks 👍
@nej any suggestions for fertilise how ?
It's natural for the older leaves to yellow. Is there signs of new growth?