Astrantia major subsp. involucrata 'Shaggy'
Masterwort 'Shaggy'
Early Summer 2021
- 1
Early Summer 2020
- 1
Mid Autumn 2019
- 5
Mid Summer 2018
- 7
Early Summer 2018
- 5
Mid Autumn 2017
- 3
Early Autumn 2017
- 5
Late Summer 2017
- 2
Late Summer 2017
- 3
Late Summer 2017
- 1
Mid Summer 2017
- 4

Astrantia major subsp. involucrata 'Shaggy'
Early Summer 2021
Early Summer 2020

So much healthier since I split it and moved it to a shader spot
Mid Autumn 2019

Morning folks hope tonight isn't too scary for you. I have a pot of 'shaggy' that is flowering like mad.

Morning JP, I don't know why but that sounds suspicious 😀⬆️ 🎃

As the song says "hi, yes I guess I am"... 🤣🤣🤔

Morning JP....👻Boo!!

😳🤯🤯🥴 thanks Elaine @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Mid Summer 2018

I've collected quite a few Astrantia 'Shaggy' seeds and wonder it anyone would like some. Happier still to swop for a red variety, any interest?

I’d love some please Jeremy, sorry I’ve not got the red though 👍👍

It would be a pleasure Jane, I'll just have to check my email to see if I still have your address @pelly

Thank you kindly Jeremy, it's on my wish list. I will soon be posting some different seeds that I have collected, if you want any you will get the first pick 😍👌

Jane, please be kind enough to email me your address to as I cannot find it, thanks @pelly

Will do, thanks again 😍😘

Thank your Jane, lovely swooping seeds 😀😀
Early Summer 2018
Mid Autumn 2017

Morning folksies on this bright but chilly day, hope it's a good one for you. The Astrantia major is still strutting its stuff 😄

Mine have long since gone over

I thought mine would have too Joan by now but it seems to have another lease of life for some reason, happy days 😅😅
Early Autumn 2017

What is it with the Astrantia now, its never flowered so well? 🙃🤔

Mine flowered again too Jeremy 😁👍

There I was deadheading away then the temp dropped enough to suit a brass 🐵 and I looked to prune the Masterwork Shaggy and it's got dozens of flowers on. Must have thought it was an Indian summer 🙄😊😊

Loves its spot clearly 👌

Beautiful bonus ☺️😍
Late Summer 2017

Now with pictures! Morning all on this damp day, but it's still got potential. This is for Jane, after me showing yours to mine and telling it to buck up we have a flower @pelly . Hope we'll meet the other Gters going to the Harrogate flower show 😃

It's beautiful Jeremy, I'm definitely having more next year. 👍👍👍
Late Summer 2017

Morning all on this damp day, but it's still got potential. This is for Jane, after me showing yours to mine and telling it to buck up we have a flower @pelly . Hope we'll meet the other Gters going to the Harrogate flower show 😃

Morning Jeremy this pic and the one before aren't showing up so I'm assuming it's down to those pesky gremlins 🙄

Morning JP pic showing I'm afraid :))
Late Summer 2017

Morning all on this damp day, but it's still got potential. This is for Jane, after me showing yours to mine and telling it to buck up we have a flower @pelly . Hope we'll meet the other Gters going to the Harrogate flower show 😃
Mid Summer 2017

In the shady #Bed1JPea

Noticed some digging round it probably by cats, will get some bark mulch round it!


@jpea cats love a bit of bark mulch, it's kitty toilet heaven - no digging required. They just curl off a bmx handlebar and cover it in bark - if you're lucky 😐😅
Enjoying the shady spot, bright but limited sunshine