Astrantia major subsp. involucrata 'Shaggy'
Masterwort 'Shaggy'
Late Spring 2018
- 17
Late Spring 2018
- 5
Early Autumn 2017
- 13
Late Spring 2017
- 10
Late Spring 2017
- 12
Mid Autumn 2016
- 4
Early Autumn 2016
- 8
Early Summer 2016
- 9

Astrantia major subsp. involucrata 'Shaggy'
Late Spring 2018
Late Spring 2018

It wasn’t me 🤷🏻♀️😉

Don't know if you remember Keely dug mine up and put it in a pot last year because I want to take it with me. It hasn't flowered at all

@rachelbrooks 😂😂

@jaynehynesburton it will next year Jayne I moved this year before last and it didn't really flower last year with exception of one flower loads on it this year so bare with it might take a bit to settle 😄

Thanks Keely 😘
Early Autumn 2017

Moved this about a month ago to middle of border and its rewarded me with a #secondflush 😆

The flowers are so intricate

@kathy I agree so lovely and so under rated too 😐


That's a beauty. Do you know which one it is?

@numptysmum thank you Helen 😄

@awomanonabike sorry Jacqueline its one variety I'm not sure of, as one I've had for years before I used to take much notice of names just bought for flower back then 🙄

@awomanonabike just remembered it was 'Shaggy' 👍👍

You mean life-before-GardenTags?! It's just sooo white. Will try and find it 😍

@cyndi thank you 😃

@gjones it is that's a shame it doesn't 🙄

@awomanonabike very true 😂
Late Spring 2017

#white #astrantia

I must get some of these how tall do they grow Keely

@jaynehynesburton this is a couple of feet so best suited middle of border mines stuck at back need to move it 👍

Thanks Keely 😘

@jaynehynesburton they are lovely I like the darker ones too variety gill Richardson is lovely 👍 my pink one didn't survive unless it pops up later 💞

Will have a look for Gill Richardson thanks Keely. Hope your others appear

@jaynehynesburton thanks hun 👍

Wow love it ❤️

@elflin thank you Val 😊

@ukjohnny they are lovely 👌
Late Spring 2017

This one has been hiding 😄

Oh I really love Astrantias but still don't have one in my garden! Must remedy that soon! 😀

@bigemrg I put a hint of pink one in too but not seen that one yet there are some striking dark ones though, you must get one I keep having to move mine as it gets smothered by other plants 🤔

I'm hoping to grow some in a new raised bed I have planned for later in the year! It will be in shade for most of the day but I believe they don't mind that! The dark ones are probably my faves! I'm kicking myself as I had the opportunity to buy 5 plants for £5 earlier in the year and I let the offer run out! Oh well... 😀

@bigemrg look forward to seeing your new bed later in year then yes I think they don't mind part shade mine get half day sun due to shade of house when sun moves round 👍 oh no that was a bargain, I've done that so many times so annoying 😣

I was hoping to get started on it next week but the weather forecast looks awful! It will get morning sun for a few hours but will be in shade for the majority of the day! I've already started collecting plants with Chinese Lantern, Soloman's Seal, Hostas and Bleeding Heart ready to go in! I'm also thinking a few Astilbe would look good and a shade loving Clematis or two to climb up and cover the wall! 😀

@bigemrg Sounds like you are nearly sorted with plants Ian. Don't put Chinese lantern in ground bury pot its a nightmare to get rid of runners that snap when you try to dig them out took me 3 year to eventually get it out of front border, its very happy in its pot now 😄 I've planted 2 shady clematis today at side of kitchen window patio side. Astilbe will be nice look at cappacino that's lovely dark foliage and white flower really striking 👍😃

I'd heard that about Chinese Lantern! I wish I had it plaguing my garden instead of horsetail grass! lol Think I'll take your advice and leave it in a pot though! Which clematis did you go for? I was hoping for ones that would flower in different seasons, maybe spring and autumn? Will look up the Astilbe, sounds just what I need! 😀

@bigemrg I've put up princess diana and alba plena both summer ones as I need to cut back at same time I've put them in a pot just in case its too shady as only gets sun late afternoon. My horse tail is same Ian I've told neighbour I will weed kill her garden once a week, its gone right under slabs under summerhouse and come through gravel and I've just put a raised bed against fence so no doubt end up working its way up through that 😣😣😣

Okay, thanks Keely! I've added this to my wishlist so I can remember the conversation! I'll look up all of the plants you've mentioned once I've got the raised bed finished! It's a nightmare isn't it? Kurtail is the only weed killer I've seen kill Horsetail Grass off, however, it wasn't permanent as it came back in the same place this year! 😔

Beautiful 😍

I bought a pink one which hasn't shown either Keely. My white one was a pressie from the birds and I have lots of clumps here and there, but would so love some different colours 😊👍
Mid Autumn 2016

#wintergarden Well they've been spring summer and autumn flowers and still going now well worth buying 👌😍

Just another one on my wishlist Keely. Thank you, it's beautiful. 😊😊

Blimey! That's fab 👌🏼👍🏼👏🏼 mine stopped ages ago 😁

Interesting white and green combination, really lovely 😉
Early Autumn 2016

#white and I have just put a pale pink one next to it too from a friend at work 😍

They look gorgeous dried!👍🏼👒

@gjones mine has been move from back wet border to front and already doing better so it was the right move 👌😊

Fabulous! 👌🏼 and yay! You got the pink one! 💕👍🏼

This one's lovely!

Aren't they gorgeous 💕

@Jasonsparkes1 Rachel has a gawjus deep burgundy one I've saved in my wish list its the haspden blood one its lovely must get it they are so under rated 👍

Beautiful 😀👍💕💕💗💗
Early Summer 2016

@gardengimp its opened at long last 👍

It's so delicate and gorgeous 😇

Beautiful @Keely 🤗🤗

Beautiful ...a fairy garden

So beautiful

This looks rather lovely!

Fab photo 👍💛

Stunning photo

Yeaaaaahhh!!!! Go @Keely ! 😃👍🏼🙏🏻
Great pic 👍
@lovemygarden65 thank you hun 😘
It Wasn't Me 🎶 Lovely close up Keely
Gorgeous 💚 I’m gutted neither of mine have flowered 😔
@columbiariver isn't it missed #astrantia day as we are always later up north UK with our flowers 😄
@susanhumphrey333 💃💃💃thank you 😁
@rachelbrooks I split this one's flowered other hasn't strange why do they do that seems more foliage on other plant too 😮
Fabulous pic Hun such a great plant 💟
Aren’t they wonderful
@nessas thank you I'm surprised with the wind we had today 😁
@kathy very much must try get some dark ones 😄
My battle at the moment is the girls the field mice 🐁 are in the garden and the girls keep on getting into the borders trampling on my plants already wrecked one border at the side of it by the pond 😔