Geum 'Totally Tangerine'
Avens 'Totally tangerine'
Mid Summer 2022
- 4
Early Spring 2022
- 8
Late Spring 2021
- 6
Mid Spring 2019
- 4

Geum 'Totally Tangerine'
Mid Summer 2022
Early Spring 2022

Morning folks, very wet here today so not playing outside. Is it not a bit early for the Geum to be flowering? I had thought about lifting and dividing it

nothing on mine yet !

Morning Jeremy. Gosh that is early ....not even a sign of buds on my two 👋😯

Morning Jeremy. No sign on mine yet but someone did post one a few days ago also in flower, I can't remember who though 🤔

Good morning JP mine not coming yet.I think I’d split them lots of time to grow.🧡

Morning JP I took mine out it was so messy so I’ll just enjoy others….🧡

Hi Julie, Pauline, Jane, Enid and Elaine. I must admit I was rather surprised to see them on mine and one seems to need deadheading already. I think the next warm day I'll dig, divide and plant it. @juliesgarden @flof1952 @pelly @godfreye @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

Sounds like a plan 👍🏻
Late Spring 2021

Morning folks on a rare sunny start. I can't remember if this is actually 'Tequila sunrise' or 'Totally tangerine' oops - still it's a nice colour pop

Morning Jeremy. Tequila Sunrise is more yellow than these look I think 🤔🧡🧡

Morning Jeremy, looks good with the Bluebells whichever one it is 😃

Morning JP .. either way they’re lovely 🧡

Morning Jane, Ange and Julie and I think you're right @pelly @anges @juliesgarden

Morning JP....🧡 😍 what ever...
Mid Spring 2019

Morning folks, a cool morning here but hopefully mostly dry. Have a super Saturday everyone

Morning JP you have a good one too..

Morning Jeremy, we've had quite a bit of rain overnight here so the garden is soaking wet 💧💧 enjoy your day too 💛💛

Morning Jane again, here too but I've got a lot of plants in my coldframe that need to go outside 😁
This is the second flowering, despite the arid ground
Neither of my avens have flowered this year. No idea why 🤔🧡🧡
That's strange, we can only put it down to the dry weather @pelly
Second flush on mine too Jeremy ....they've done well given the hot weather and dry ground 👍😊🧡