Knautia macedonica
Late Spring 2018
Early Spring 2018

#cataloguing #bed3jpea (planted between hydrangea and phlox) hopefully it will flower from May to October
Morning everyone, hope you have a good day all
Morning Jeremy, mine that I got from Harrogate has gone mad and is over a meter high and flopping all over the place . I’m going to cut it back and see what happens, if it doesn’t behave it’s a gonner I’m afraid. Enjoy your day too 👍👋
Morning Jeremy. Got a couple of these SCABIOUS plus another that stands about 3ft now ....great plant. Enjoy your day 👋😊👍
@pelly @flof1952 Jane, Pauline, mine is a meter high too but I've staked it, will try deadheading it too to see if that works. I'm off to my father's funeral now, see you tomorrow
Thinking of you all Jeremy xx
Morning Jeremy 😊 have a great day too!
Thinking of you today Jeremy. 🤗🤗