Knautia macedonica
Macedonian Scabious
Early Summer 2019
- 11
Early Summer 2018
- 22
Mid Autumn 2017
- 8
Late Spring 2017
- 27
Mid Summer 2016
- 18
Early Summer 2016
- 41
Early Summer 2016
- 42
Late Spring 2016
- 62
Late Spring 2016
- 33
Mid Spring 2016
- 7
Mid Autumn 2015
- 28
Early Autumn 2015
- 12
Early Autumn 2015
- 27
Early Summer 2015
- 5
Early Summer 2015
- 0
Early Summer 2015
- 1
Early Summer 2015
- 0
Early Summer 2015
- 1

Knautia macedonica
Early Summer 2019
Early Summer 2018

Happy Friday one and all 🎉 #macedonian #scabious #scabiosa #red #earlysummer #summer #july

#pink and how !!!!

Happy Friday Justin ☀️

That’s just the colour this one is 👍🏼 @junebensted

Oh indeedy @daisy65

Happy Friday to you too 💕💕

Thanks Justin and the same to you 👋☺👌

Happy Friday Justin! Loving the colour 💖💖

Thanks Jane @pelly 😀👍🏼

Yes it’s a cracker @AlisaJ 😃

Thanks Pauline @flof1952 have a super day

Morning it looks like a pin cushion. So pretty 💖
Mid Autumn 2017
Late Spring 2017

Another bright and cheery morning GTers 👍🏼 here's a lovely #red #scabious for you on one of the final #spring days 😀 #knautia


Thank you @SylviaDavies it has more flowers than ever this year. A real picture 👍🏼

Morning Justin. Great photo 😍

I can imagine!

Morning Justin. That's a lovely one 💕. Have a great day 😊

Morning 😀👋🏼 @vec

You too 👍🏼 @lexijane thank you

Morning Justin loving the red scabious makes a change from the purple ones I have 😍

This one has gone me from strength to strength and my lilac coloured one seems to be in death throes 🙄🤣 @janric

Fab pic!

Thats strange Justin hope the lilac ones pick themselves up 😬
Mid Summer 2016

Another #red offering for today's challenge 👍 #scabious #summer

Just gorgeous @justin

Thank you @stephent

@justin .......very nice Justin :)

Good morning Justin such a pretty flower🤗

Beautiful 😍👍🏻📸

Thank you Pauline @flof1952

Good morning Enid @godfreye

Thanks June @yodamama

Morning, Justin 😊 That's a bonny flower! Enjoy your Sunday 👍🌱
Lovely flower 👍

Beautiful ....
Early Summer 2016

Looks like a 🍭 😂 have a great day GTers #scabious #pink #summer

Good morning Justin! Yes it does! Enjoy your day too! 😀

Thanks Ian... Looks set to be warmer and typical Gotta be in the office 🙄😤 @bigemrg

Good morning Justin, take a sick day say you have Gladiola virus 😀

😳😂 nice one James @GREENFINGERSLTD

Delicate and pretty

Morning Justin great photo 👍🏻

Morning Justin , very juicy looking flower 👍💗

Morning 💕

Morning ☕️ love the colour of this one 👍 have a good day 🐝

Glad you think so @belindah

Good morning @nessas
Early Summer 2016

A little #red #scabiosa popping it's head through the hydrangea 🚨 good morning GTers

@justin and what a lovely head it is too.. Morning fella 😉

Good morning Stephen @stephent 👋

Morning have a nice weekend 🌼

Good morning Ellen 😀👋 @ellenmarygardening

Good morning all! Going to miss my garden and the promised good weather today while I'm out visiting family. I'll keep checking in to look at everyone else's instead. Have a good day ☺

Have a lovely day @rusty

Morning Justin. Beautiful scabious. There are so many fabulous plants I like would cost me a fortune if I bought them all lol. Have a lovely day Hope it's sunny where you are, it is here ☀️☀️

Morning Justin have a lovely weekend😊 Scabious was sheltering from the weather you've had

I love watching the Scabious bobbing in the breeze. It really does look like a pincushion. I think we may have the very same variety @Justin . I grew mine from seed @fuschia so much satisfaction gained from doing so.😍

Enjoy your day @rusty 😉

I know what you mean 😂 have a super weekend Pearl @fuschia
Late Spring 2016

Monday 😤 good morning GTers and here's a little #red #scabiosa for you. Have a good day 👋

Good morning Justin! What a lovely looking Scabious! Unusual to see one in red!

Hi Ian 👋 it sure is and flowers all summer, photo doesn't really do the colour justice as the flowers really do brighten up a space 👍 @bigemrg

That is a lovely herbaceous plant, another one to recommend to a client 😀

Hot.. Hot.. Hot! 💜😍


👍 @SikoMa

Gorgeous..... Enjoy,! 😊

Good morning all. That is so pretty @justin ......enjoy your day :)

Good morning Justin and all, love that colour. I've grown some from seed this year hope they are are as beautiful as yours 😍

So beautiful I would love this in my garden 🐾

Lovely Justin mine has mildew already!
Late Spring 2016

L😍ve this little #red #scabiosa 👍 have a great day GTers #spring

Good morning Justin it's s pretty flower 💗❤️ have s lovely day

Morning Justin!😀😀

Good morning

Good morning, lovely colour

@Justin a gorgeous flower 🌸

Good morning Justin! What a little beauty this is!

Good morning Tina, you too 👍 @tina

Good morning Mike, enjoy Chelsea today 👍 @mikethegardener

Good morning Robert 👋 @Robertthedad

Thanks Bev,, have a good day @bevkb

Thank you, glad you think so @hlt
Mid Spring 2016

Red ALERT 🚨 look what I've just spotted making an appearance #scabiosa

Wow! Like that one Justin.

It sure is a beaut 👍 @mikethegardener

I've got the variegated one, knautia macedonica 'Thunder and Lighting', it's still in a pot after being moved from my last garden. Must check and see how it's doing!

Ohhh look forward to seeing a pic of that 👍 @tash74

Looks like someone was munching on the foliage 🐌@justin

Dam those pesky critters 😂 @londongardener
Mid Autumn 2015

Good morning GTers 👋 this will be the last pic of this #scabiosa for this year. It's been a trooper!

Super trooper 👍😍

Wonderful one to bow out with! Good morning @justin

Morning all beautiful bright colour 😍

🎤🎹😂 @debs69

Thanks a lot June, have a great day 👋 @junebensted

Morning Kris, yes was hoping it'd brighten an otherwise grey day! @krishnahairdo 🌸

It sure has for me @justin, have a super day, im sure the sun will be out later

Lovely bright start to the day 🌸

Morning Mo 👋🌸 @mojo

Morning Justin, will have to add this lovely scabious to my wish list #mowants 😍

😉 that's quite some list you've got going on there now Mo! Have a good day 👋 @mojo
Early Autumn 2015

Monday 😳 bleugh! At least this beauty is still going strong #pink #scabiosa #latebloomer

Morning- Monday's are a bit beluga 😁 I do love the colour of this one 👍

Bleugh even 😳

It does stand out rather nicely which I like 👍 @debs69 morning 👋

Morning Justin , you're right bleugh and its dark can't even see what the weather doing 😏😏 morning Debs @debs69 , morning all 👍👍

Morning Julie 👋 @juliesgarden

Morning everyone your scabious is really pretty on a very dull day 😒

Morning everyone I agree kathy @justin scabiosa is very pretty🌺 brighter & drier here today hope it stays that way😊

Good morning 👋🌸 @kathy

Glad you like it Jan and a good morning to you too 👋 @janric

Morning all. Lovely grey day with a chilly wind but who cares when there are flowers like this to cheer us up 😍😍😍😍

Morning Pearl 👋 @fuschia
Early Autumn 2015

Still flowering #latebloomer #pink


I do like this 😍😍

So pretty, this is a lovely plant Justin 😍 on the wish list #mowants

Really nice.

Very pretty😊

Lovely never seen one with such a deep colour 😍

😁👍 @fuschia

Thanks Mo... That's quite some list you've got there now! 🙌 @mojo

Cheers Gary @Garyg

Thanks Jan @janric

I love it 👍 @debs69
Early Summer 2015

Love this plant Justin.

Yes it's a beauty 🌸 @barbaramatthews



Early Summer 2015
Early Summer 2015

Early Summer 2015
Early Summer 2015

All set for another lovely weekend 🙌🏼 enjoy GTers ❤️ #red #scabious #earlysummer #july #summer
Have a great weekend 👌
Morning Justin have a nice day too..
Morning Justin, lovely shot 💕
Morning Justin, thanks and you too 🙋♀️🙋♀️
You too Sue 🙌🏼 @suerichards
Thank you Elaine, you too @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Thank you Christine, have a lovely day @christineb
Thanks Jane, have a good one 😀 @pelly
Hello 👋🏼 @LyndaClack