Convallaria majalis
Lily of the Valley
Mid Spring 2019
- 8
Mid Spring 2018
- 14
Mid Spring 2017
- 38

Convallaria majalis
Mid Spring 2019
Mid Spring 2018

Happy Sunday GTers 😀 #white #lilyofthevalley #scented #white #midspring #spring

Morning Justin don’t know what I did wrong with mine every year the leaves show but no flowers 🤨 have a grand day 👍🏻

Sorry to hear that @nessas I’m no expert with these so my experience is patchy at best

Morning Justin, pretty little flowers, amazing scent for one so small 😍

Morning Justin have a good day coffee break ☕☕

Morning Justin beautiful little flowers😍

Yes it certainly is @juliesgarden

☕️ @Keely morning 👋🏼

They sure are @kathy 😀👍🏼

No worries might get some more and try again 🙄👍🏻

Happy Sunday to you too Justin 👋👋

Thanks Jane @pelly 😀
Mid Spring 2017

First flowers on my #lilyofthevalley since planted two years ago and happy to say spreading nicely as well just where I want them 👌🏼 frosty one here today folks. Wrap up warm #white #spring

Morning Justin. Look like tiny bells of white 😍

Yes they really are 😀👍🏼 @vec

Morning Justin! I've always loved these delicate little blooms! Unfortunately mine didn't return last year! Think the bulbs must have got waterlogged! Have a good one! 😀

Oh no what a shame @bigemrg I had three which my mum gave me a couple of years ago and this year I've had seven come up but first time they've flowered 👌🏼

Morning Justin, never managed to get these up ☹️ but yours look lovely .frosty start here too , have a great day 🙌
Good morning Justin,our lily of the valley are just coming through,have a great 👍 day @justin

I'm very chuffed @juliesgarden as had been told they could be tricky so they must like the spot they're in which I'm very happy about 😀

Lovely @Chester14 you too 👍🏼

I've tried growing them a few times from shop bought bulbs but no success... mine were given to me from a friend at work who potted some of theirs up ... i love them 😊

Yes those cam from mum potted up which I then put in the garden. I've been lucky I guess ☺️ @joolzd1970

Love how delicate these little white bells look 👍🏼 #lilyofthevalley #may #midspring #spring
I'm not sure how many roots of these I've put down over the last two years, but I've yet to see any of them grow! Don't think they like me!!
Morning Justin... lovely 😍remind me of my youth , like Kim @Mikekally they don’t seem to like my mums garden😏
@Mikekally mine took years to get going and now there’s no stopping them..
My mum@gave me 3-4 I think about four years ago and this year there’s about 15 popped up so they’re starting to take off @Mikekally @juliesgarden 👍🏼
I think mine are just starting to get a little rampant! @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
They look like old fashioned bonnets, they can go a bit rampant but they are super little flowers
They’re very pretty @kathy 😀👍🏼