Convallaria majalis
Lily of the Valley
Mid Spring 2016
- 4
Mid Spring 2016
- 9
Early Autumn 2015
- 9

Convallaria majalis
Mid Spring 2016
Mid Spring 2016

Lily-of-the-valley comes up much more freely between the paving slabs than it does in the flowerbed.

Sod's law....😉


Mine thinks it belongs in the lawn. I think it's just got a sense of adventure about it. 😃

That's why I got rid of it!

@joanboston I wouldn't want to be without it. I love it as a cut flower.

I have 6 growing in pots my husband bought me as its my birthday month flower will choose wisely where I put it have seen its lovely as a cut flower @tiggrx

#cutflower #MindOfItsOwn

Mine spread by crossing the grass to another bed 😂
Early Autumn 2015


That looks like a tomato

@krishnahairdo it does a bit, but would be a bit on the small side!

That's what I thought @krishnahairdo !!

Thats lily of the valley berry?!

@krishnahairdo yes, they don't produce them very often

Is there a reason ie cold winter, its happy. My mum had a big patch for years in her garden, i never remember it doing that. Quite amazing 👍🏻

I think because they spread so well by rhizome they just rarely bother going to the trouble of producing seed. This plant is in a pot so maybe feels that it can't spread in the usual way.

I bought my sister some lily of valley bulbs and a nice pot for her birthday, as it was one of our mums fav flowers, must remind her to pot them.
#lilyofthevalley #white
Love them mine have got buds but not open yet
All lined up like little scented soldiers! Beautiful 💂💂💂
Mine just leafed up. Can't wait.