Jasminum nudiflorum
Winter Jasmine
Early Winter 2018
- 8
Mid Autumn 2018
- 7
Mid Winter 2018
- 18
Early Winter 2018
- 16
Late Autumn 2017
- 9
Mid Autumn 2017
- 16
Late Winter 2017
- 14
Early Winter 2016
- 54
Late Autumn 2016
- 24
Late Autumn 2016
- 29
Mid Winter 2016
- 23
Late Autumn 2015
- 25
Late Autumn 2015
- 17
Mid Autumn 2015
- 6
Mid Autumn 2015
- 18
Early Autumn 2015
- 6
Late Summer 2015
- 11
Late Winter 2015
- 2
Late Winter 2015
- 1
Late Winter 2015
- 0

Jasminum nudiflorum
Early Winter 2018
Mid Autumn 2018

It’s a chilly one out folks so it’s fitting the #winterjasmine is now in flower 👍🏼 #yellow #midautumn #autumn #october


🌼 @kathy

💛love the yellow jasmine!

Oh yes @phyl1978 me too 👍🏼

It’s so pretty..mines isn’t out yet 💛

This is the first flower 👍🏼 @mich
Mid Winter 2018

🌼😁🌼 it’s a chilly one GTers. Wrap up warm and have a good day 👍🏼 #yellow #winterjasmine #jasmine #midwinter #winter #wintercolour

Very pretty 👍, have a good one Justin 🙌

@justin Morning Justin. It’s s cold one ❄️👋

Thank and you too Julie 👍🏼 @juliesgarden sg

It sure is Mike 😨 brrrrr @mikethegardener

Morning Justin enjoy ya day 👍🏻

Morning Justin, it is here too ❄️❄️

Morning 👋🏼 you too Vanessa @nessas

Very cold here Jane but yet to see any snow this season at all 🤷🏻♂️ @pelly

Morning Justin, you’re fortunate, we’ve had heavy snow twice this winter and it’s snowing this morning. Only light so far hope it stays that way😀

We've been quite lucky and only had a couple of light sprinklings here. 👍👍

Fingers crossed for you Joan 🤞🏼 @joanboston
Early Winter 2018

💛 winter #jasmine being all bright and breezy 👍🏼 have a good day GTers #yellow #earlywinter #winter

Morning Justin 💛💛

Morning Justin

Morning Justin! Love the way these flowers seem to twinkle at this time of year! Have a great day!

Morning Jane 👋🏼 @pelly

Good morning 🌼 @kathy

Morning Ian @bigemrg 👋🏼 they sure do brighten up a get winter day 👍🏼

Morning 💛💛💛 have a good one

Your too 👍🏼 ☕️ @Keely

You too Justin. A lovely bit of colour at this black and white time of year 😊

Precisely 😃 @awomanonabike

Morning Justin have a fab one 👌🏻
Late Autumn 2017

Morning GTers 👋🏼 have a good day #yellow #jasmine #winterjasmine #lateautumn #autumn 🌼

Morning Justin, enjoy yours too. 💛💛

Morning Jane 👋🏼 @pelly

Morning Justin, nice and bright for a wet Monday morning 👍💛💛

Morning Julie 👍🏼 yep, foul here 😏 @juliesgarden

Morning Justin ......thank you and you too :))

Morning Pauline @flof1952 👋🏼

Morning Justin love the 💛 it is a dull day here👌🏻

As everywhere I believe @kathy 🌼
Mid Autumn 2017

A lovely #yellow #jasmine to brighten this #midautumn morning. Have a good day GTers and wrap up warm 💛 #autumn

Morning Justin, as I was scrolling down I thought for a split second that you had Daffodils already. 💛💛💛

@justin Morning Justin 😊👋


Fabulous! This just highlights the north/south climate divide!!

Not yet Jane thankfully @pelly but my summer snowflakes are starting to poke through 👍🏼

Good morning Mike 🙋🏻♂️ @mikethegardener

🙏🏼 @Naomi126

Good morning Pam @tiger123 😀

Oh, I love those. 😍😍😍


Morning 😀 @juliesgarden
Late Winter 2017

#winter #jasmine still flowering 👍🏼 good morning GTers #yellow #winterblooms #wintercolour

Good morning Justin.

Morning @kvetinka

Thank you very much @latebloomer

Beautiful colour

Morning Justin , very pretty 💛💛

👍🏼 thank you @nej

Good morning @juliesgarden 😀

Good morning Justin lovely bright flower🤗

Morning Enid @godfreye

Morning Justin 😄 your lovely jasmine, mine has only 3 flowers on it again this year and not grown to well so I'm going to dig it up after flowers gone and put in a pot so I can move it around till it likes where it is I think 😄

Sounds like a plan 👍🏼 @janric
Early Winter 2016

Happy New Year's Eve GTers. Wishing you all the very best for 2017 🎉 #winter #newyearseve #yellow #jasmine

You too Justin have a good one 💛💛

And to you and yours Justin🎉🍾🎉

🎉🎉🎉 @Keely

Thank you and to you @valjones-hughes 🎉

Best wishes to you too 🍾🥂

And all the best to you for 2017 Justin 😊

Thanks Dave, and to you and yours @cottagegardendave

Thank you @melvynprentice and to you too 🎉

Justin "bonne année" enjoy 🥂🍾🍾👍

And the same to you Steve @lamaisonbleueoleron I woke early so am preparing for dinner guests Tony but already! Choc ginger cheesecake currently baking in the oven 👌🏼 All the best for 2017

Thank you Justin. The very best to you too. 😃😃
Late Autumn 2016

The winter #jasmine is looking wonderful with its mass of #yellow flowers this #autumn 🌼 Have a good day GTers 👋🏼

Gorgeous... You too @justin

Morning Justin lovely splash of colour 👍🎄🎅🏾

Morning Justin, have a great Sunday 😊

Gorgeous just what you need to brighten up a dull day 😄


Thanks Stephen @stephent

Good morning 🌼 @pauline33

Thanks Christine @christineb you too 🎉

Sure is @angiecrazycatlady have a lovely day

🌼🌼🌼🌼 @kathy

Morning Justin, fab colour to start the day 💛
Late Autumn 2016

Good morning GTers 👋 some lovey #yellow winter #jasmine to brighten the day #autumn

Good morning Justin @justin .......very nice. Raining here at the moment......hope it's dry where you are :)

@justin Morning Justin. It definitely needs brightening here. Have a good 'un 😊

Good morning Pauline @flof1952 chucking it down here too 😏

It sure does... @mikethegardener thoroughly miserable start to the day so thought yellow might cheer us all up

Morning Justin. I think it's the same everywhere today unfortunately. 😊

Morning Jane @pelly

Morning Justin , pretty flower , just what we need to cheer us up, flipping miserable here again !! Have a good day 👍

Good morning Julie @juliesgarden 😀👋

Morning Justin 🌼 most definitely needed this morning! Have a fab day 😊

Good morning Rachel @rachelbrooks

Mid Winter 2016

Been lots of flowers on this in the last few months and it's still going strong 💪good morning GTers 👋☕️

Good morning Justin very frosty today

Sure is Christine, going to have to wrap up warm this morning before I leave! @christineb

Morning all my winter jasmine was a no show this year my own fault for bragging about it earlier in the year 😒

Sorry to hear that Val and fingers crossed for next year 🌼🌼🌼 @elflin

Morning all lovely bright cheery jasmine @justin very frosty morning -5 here at the mo but bright❄️☀️

Morning 🌼👋☕️ @janric

Me too Val, I think I need to repot mine. It's only small at the moment although it used to be very large up against the fence. Chopped it back about 6 years ago and never came back to its former glory 😔 @elflin

Morning Justin 👋🏼, I have jasmine envy... 😊

Ours in the garden but I'm wondering if it's passed its sell by date we've had it for years ? @Richard.spicer.7906

Ops @richard.spicer.7906

My one is very established and I just give it a good haircut every spring and seems to do just fine... Maybe you just need to give them a good feed and leave them be for a little while? Mind you six years is quite a long time to be sulking I guess😂 @richard.spicer.7906 @elflin
Late Autumn 2015

🌼 good morning GTers 👋

#jasmine #yellow

@justin Bonjour Justin, a early start for you this morning?

Perfect bloom 😍

Morning @justin @lamaisonbleueoleron

Good morning @justin perfect little yellow flower to brighten and drab day. 😍👍🏻

Always an early start for me Steve 👍 good morning @lamaisonbleueoleron

Thanks Debra @debs69

Morning Julie 👋 @juliesgarden

Morning Kris 😬 @krishnahairdo

@justin does it mean you manage to finish early 🤔I'm always an early start here being on a different time zone😉

Bonjour @juliesgarden greetings from another blue sky day here in Oléron 😂
Late Autumn 2015

Gorgeous bright #yellow show on a dull rainy Tuesday. Good morning GTers 👋

Beautiful and very cheerful on this grey Tuesday 👍

🤓 indeed @debs69 👍

Its still dark here at 6am ! Not a lot of yellow about ! @justin 'morning!

Morning June 👋 like a good Boy Scout I'm always prepared! 😂 @junebensted

It's a beauty @justin 😍 'morning all' a little misty here this morning

Chucking it down here! @janric I prefer the freezing cold and clear personally!

What a beautiful display 😍

Stunning mass of flowers morning all @justin

Sure is Carol! @cjh123

Morning! @kathy

Morning all. Absolutely beautiful Justin. Miserable here 🌫🌫☔️☔️☔️☔️💧💧💧
Mid Autumn 2015

Full of flower! Monday. Humph! Have a good day GTers 👋

Happy Monday 👍 lovely flowers and lots of them too 😍

There sure are and certainly brighten up he garden 👍 @debs69

Morning ...Lovely and bright Justin , just what we need on this grim Monday morning!!

Morning all liking the jasmin justin so full of blooms

Morning all @justin that is a gorgeous shrub
Mid Autumn 2015

You can always rely on winter jasmine to brighten those grey old days ☺️ #yellow #jasmine

@cjh123 mines a very well established and old shrub now Carol and I always give it a good haircut every year and as you can see, it flowers really well. Hope yours will too 👍

Yellow stars 🌟✨🌟

Certainly are 👍 @debs69

Morning 👍👍

Morning 👋 @juliesgarden

Looking lovely @justin🌼hopefully my young plant will establish itself more next year!

All in good time I'm sure Jan 👍 @janric

Nice and bright! Morning everyone, better day than foggy yesterday!

Morning Kris 👋 @krishnahairdo


Bright and cheerful and loads of flowers @justin morning all
Early Autumn 2015

#autumn #foliage #yellow #jasmine

Beautiful mixture of colours

Excellent picture.

Thanks Rob @robllandaff

Lovely scent 😀

Oh wow
Late Summer 2015

Way too early for this #yellow beauty to be flowering but hey ho, there you go. Good morning GTers 👋

Morning Justin ✋🏻✋🏻

Good morning Julie 👋 @juliesgarden

Pretty and confused!


Morning Justin,monty don was saying on gw that some plants have gone off piste this year😳

A few of mine have definitely gone off piste Ang! Love that analogy 👍 @angeldawn

Morning everyone! 👋🏼 Still don't feel full of beans yet today - hoping a coffee in the garden will help me with my mojo ☕️

@justin mines not flowering yet, but I have to say it's looking like it might? 😳

I know it's all gone a little crazy Rich 😳 I was going to give it a trim and then noticed it was flowering so now holding off! Not full of beans because you spent so much money?! 😳😂 Real shame I missed it but also glad I didn't go because I know I would have spent a fortune!! @richard.spicer.7906

I think I just hit a reality check - where the hell is it all gonna go? 😆 I went to a Dahlia nursery yesterday too - I'm checking into rehab on Monday....
Late Winter 2015

Late Winter 2015
#winterjasmine now in full bloom and looking 💛 #yellow #earlywinter #winter #december
Always envious of your winter jasmine 👌🏼
Awe 😊 @richard.spicer.7906 🙏🏼
Fabulous! 🤗💛💛
Thank you @mich 👍🏼
Beautiful 💛💛
Thanks Jane @pelly 😀🙏🏼