Jasminum nudiflorum
Winter Jasmine
Late Autumn 2022
- 15
Late Winter 2022
- 8
Early Winter 2022
- 10
Late Autumn 2021
- 5
Early Winter 2020
- 9
Late Autumn 2020
- 4
Mid Winter 2020
- 2
Early Winter 2020
- 15
Early Winter 2020
- 1
Late Winter 2019
- 3

Jasminum nudiflorum
Late Autumn 2022
Late Winter 2022

💛 #winter-jasmine #jasminum-nudiflorum

Beautiful photos Kerry @kez001uk

Such a vibrant yellow. 💛💛

Beautiful 🏵🏵🏵. I must get mine planted 👍

@gjones @vinny8000 @hkyfvr thank you all 😀 this seems to flower for months on end, not that I’m complaining 😅💛

@pelly will be a gorgeous sight in no time 💛💚💛 even when it’s just leaves it looks lovely 😍

Very welcome. Sounds lovely. 💛💛

That’s good to know 👍
Early Winter 2022

#winter-jasmine #jasminum-nudiflorum

So pretty. Lovely to see Winter blooms. 💛💛💛

Great to see some yellow

Every year I say I'm going to get this and I never do 🙄😂💛

Reminds me I planted some last year and I saw it flowering the other day but forgot to take a photo- does yours smell nice?

@hkyfvr @debsgarden99 @gjones thanks ladies 😀 brings a little splash of cheer to the gloomy end of the garden 😅

@pelly 🤣😂 this is the year Jane 😛

@sharonhayden surprisingly this has no scent at all. Not sure if it’s just my nose though 😂

Very welcome. Wish we had some outdoor blooms. I can enjoy everyone’s on here though. 👍😃

@hkyfvr they’ll be back before you know it 😁
Late Autumn 2021

#winter-jasmine #jasminum-nudiflorum

Beautiful 🤗

Lovely yellow flowers. So pretty 💛💛

@gjones @godfreye @hkyfvr thanks ladies ☺️ it’s early again but love having these little bright blooms through the dull days. Really brightens up a gloomy corner of the garden 💛

Always welcome Kerry 🥰
Early Winter 2020

#winter-jasmine #jasminum-nudiflorum

So lovely, I definitely need one for winter colour 💛💛💛

@pelly you do! 😁 it’s such a cheerful plant and gets you in the mood for daffodils 💛

So very pretty 💛💛

Very beautiful for winter flowers 🌼🌼🌼

@hkyfvr a welcome sight on gloomy winters days 💛

@jeatacake aren’t they just 😍 cheers up a gloomy corner nicely 💛

For sure. We have only green and white snow. The days are getting longer now. 👍❤️

@hkyfvr the snow looks lovely but I can imagine you tire if of it rather fast 😜 we are over that hump of the longest day 🥳 spring won’t be long 😉
Late Autumn 2020
Mid Winter 2020
Early Winter 2020

These flowers are so hard to photograph 😜 #winter-jasmine #jasminum-nudiflorum

@gjones they’re a lovely little flash of brightness 💛

Try and photograph rose jasmine! The flowers are even smaller 😰 Nice bit of colour 😉

@ublaszko I don’t know if I’ve seen rose jasmine before 🤔 intrigued! Sadly it is just a bit since there are very few flowers ☹️

It's the pink one that I have. Unfortunately, the winter flowering jasmine doesn't have fragrance and it's yellow, otherwise I'd be looking for it now 😜

@ublaszko I looked it up and it’s incredibly pretty 💕 shame it doesn’t have the fragrance. Don’t think this does either, not that I can notice anyway 😜 they are only small flowers but a plant full of them would be bright 😂

My neighbours have one and it looks quite nice shaped like a ball. I find it a bit too twiggy. Rose jasmine is twiggy too and I'm forever pruning it to thin it out and keep it under control 😰😅

@ublaszko it is twiggy, I agree. Tried to train mine up a trellis but doesn’t look right. Need a spot it can droop freely 😂 you do so well with your climbers! The jasmine I have is still pathetic after almost 3 years 😳

Lol I like your jasmines 😍😍 I bought lots of tender climber seeds last year and got some more seeds from Jeff as well so I will be trying them out this summer. Wish me luck! 🙈😅

@ublaszko best of luck 😁 are you going to try the cup & saucer vine again?

Yes 😊 I also have purple bean vine seeds from Jeff which I'm looking forward to growing this year. I need to buy lots of trellis though and I'm not sure what kind would look best in a small garden.

@ublaszko they both look like they grow super fast, especially the cobea 😜 but are attractive and I’m sure you could keep it trimmed to the size that’s suits your space 😁
Early Winter 2020

#winter-jasmine #jasminum-nudiflorum
Late Winter 2019

Yours is bigger than mine lol

@wtwitchell6969 really cheap too. Tesco do have some great plant bargains 👍🏻

@gjones thanks Katy 😁 was in flower when I got it but all dropped pretty quickly. Seems there’s still plenty to open though 😋
🤩 #winter-jasmine #jasminum-nudiflorum
Dead summery 💛😀
Lovely yellow flowers 💛💛
@gjones @hkyfvr thanks ladies 😀 nice blobs of brightness where there’s little else to look at now 😜
@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom it really is the wrong colour for this time of year 😂
Always welcome Kerry 💛
Hi Kerry 👋 hope you are well. I have seeds here I said I'd send you and some I think you might like to try. It seems I can't find your address. If you can send it again that would be great tks
It's OK kerry I've found it. I'll sent the seeds in the morning. I know you don't grow a lot from seed these days so I'm hoping these will get you growing from seed again 😁
@alan1111 hey Alan ☺️ it’s been a while! How are you keeping? Thank you so much for the seeds. I have lots to sort out as I’ll be doing some for next year so when I’m done I’ll let you know what I have in case you want any ☺️😘
Hi Kerry it's been to long I've missed the banter 🤗 I haven't been on GT no gardening for me this time of year plus I've been far too busy. Glad to hear your going to grow seeds again. Did you have a clear out of the greenhouse or get yourself another one 😅 what are you excited about growing for next year? You know me I never refuse seeds tks 😘 please do let me know if your seeds arrive because I remember last year seeds never made it to you tks
@alan1111 I hope you’re keeping busy with good things ☺️ greenhouse activity is at a standstill with this awful weather. Hopefully once it warms up I can get going with it. Hoping to do lots of strawflowers & ageratum. How about you?
Love strawflowers great plant. Never tried ageratum, nice little flowers. Weather being bad here as well. Can't wait for spring to come. I've so much I'm looking forward to growing. I want to grow castor oil bean again it did great this year only lost it in the recent snow also wanted to do chillies again got a bumper crop this year double the amount as the year before. Going to try cornus kousa got the seeds off Katy. Hosta, canna, slipper flower, purple millet, helenium, amerathu, stock......