Lupinus Masterpiece
Lupin 'Masterpiece'
- Late Spring 2016
- 171
- 69
- Late Spring 2016
- 132
- 77
- Late Spring 2016
- 134
- 76
- Late Spring 2015
- 7
- 1
- Late Spring 2015
- 6
- 0
- Mid Spring 2015
- 6
- 0
- Mid Spring 2015
- 11
- 9
- Mid Spring 2015
- 2
- 0
- Mid Spring 2015
- 1
- 0
- Mid Spring 2015
- 1
- 0
- Mid Spring 2015
- 2
- 0
- Early Spring 2015
- 2
- 0
- Early Spring 2015
- 0
- 0
Lupinus Masterpiece
- Late Spring 2016
- 171
- Late Spring 2016
- 132
Lovely #lupin display this year 👍 #purple #spring Have a good day GTers 👋
I do like lupin they are a lovey colour🤗
Always good for an early splash of colour before all the other perennials really get going 👍 @godfreye
I love lupin mine is just coming through
🙌 @mathias
Love the colour purple lupins ✋🏻🙌🏻✋🏻
They are a masterpiece 😆beautiful and striking
Glad you like it 👍 @charlottejhurst
Was hoping to have a display like yours but was decimated with that lupin aphid had to dig them up was so disapointed.
Sorry to hear that @littlesis
wow.... what a stunning show :)
Stunning,still waiting for mine
- Late Spring 2016
- 134
Lupins on the rise. Good morning GTers 👋 #spring #lupin #purple
Morning wow that is a masterpiece 😍
Wow good morning to you Justin thats fantastic :)
Good morning 👋 @Keely
Stunning! 😍cant wait for mine to pop up for the first time. My plants are all later than everyone elses 🤔spose its locations?
Awe thanks a lot Jean @clickchick 👍
Reminds me of an ice lolly ☺️
Yes I'm sure it is too Kris 😀 have a super day @krishnahairdo
😋 @krishnahairdo
I need to move 😂@justin
What a whopper 🤓 looking good 👍
Morning Justin, morning all. Well, that's pretty impressive Justin😜.
- Late Spring 2015
- 7
- Late Spring 2015
- 6
- Mid Spring 2015
- 6
- Mid Spring 2015
- 11
Very upright ( didn't want to use the 'r' word!) - snails always get them in my garden
I already put pellets out about three weeks ago! @abigoldfinch
Planting mine out soon been late this year hope they dont get eaten by those monsters lol 🐌🐌🐌🐌
I made sure i put some pellets down to try and stop the little critters! Good luck 😃 @jules
Thanks justin 👍is it a good idea to put pellets in the seed trays before i pot them out ?
You could do @jules but if you dont like to use pellets as i know some people dont, when planted out, you could adopt the old beer trap method!
Yeah i get them tipsy good idea 🙀 i dont mind using pellets its the cats i worry about incase they eat them 😁
To be honest mine have been right ropey this year 😏 @linfoster
- Mid Spring 2015
- 2
- Mid Spring 2015
- 1
- Mid Spring 2015
- 1
- Mid Spring 2015
- 2
- Early Spring 2015
- 2
- Early Spring 2015
- 0
Hapbee Friday GTers 😂 hope you have a good day 🐝#lupin #purple #bee #spring
Morning Justin ☕️ It's great to see the #bugs back in town! 🐝🐝🐝😀
Sure is and I've planted loads of new 🐝 friendly plants in the last year too and I've noticed a big difference this year which is super 👍 have a good day Ian @bigemrg
Morning all 🙌 its fridaaaay hope yr working day flies have a good one 🐝🐝🐝
Bonjour Justin, definitely livening up to its name 👌😎 Fabulouslushness 🤗☕️
Fab picture🐝🐝@justin
Good morning ☕️👋 @Keely
Sure is Steve @lamaisonbleueoleron have a super Friday and I'm definitely in need of ☕️ this morning!
@justin good morning!! Looks like you've been a busy bee!! Lol! 😎
Thank you 🐝 @greengrub
Good morning ☕️👋 @drnicko 😂
Great shot!!