Primula vialii
Late Spring 2018
Late Spring 2016

Good morning GTers 👋 have a super day #primula #pink #red #spring Simply ❤️ these

@joanboston I have it too ☺️👍

You too Justin Bon weekend 👌😎☀️☕️

Double wammy you and @joanboston teasing me today lol. I will get it one day. Have a great weekend 👍

Morning Justin , love those colours , morning Monsieur Steve , hope you are well 👍 @lamaisonbleueoleron

I have one that is like squashed flat on the top? Must be a virus. Looks very odd!

Morning @justin morning all, oooo i love these have to go check mine out, in the pouring rain! 😟have a great weekend

@juliesgarden bonjour Julie, I'm ticket-boo ,👌 thanks and you 😎🙈

Haven't seen one of these before! It is stunning!

Have a super weekend Steve 🙌 @lamaisonbleueoleron

@joanboston and I had the same idea today for sure!! Have a great weekend @Keely

I'm a ok 👌🏻🙋Thankyou , think I'm going to have to mow the lawn before the rain comes later 😬🙄 @lamaisonbleueoleron
W😍W look at my poker 👀 Have a great day GTers 😂 #pokerprimrose #pink #latespring #spring #primula
I'm looking 😂😂😂😂
👀😂 @hobnob
Magnificent 👍🏻
😁👍🏼 @nessas
Fabulous, enjoy your day too Justin 💕❤️
Wow indeed 😵 fabulous!
Good morning Justin such vibrant colours lovely🤗
Good morning Justin just my favourite coloured Poker😍
Thanks Jane, you too @pelly 👍🏼
😀👍🏼 @juliesgarden
They’re very lovely @godfreye 😀👍🏼