Wisteria sinensis
Chinese Wisteria
Mid Spring 2019
- 6
Early Spring 2019
- 3
Late Summer 2018
- 7
Mid Spring 2018
- 21
Early Spring 2018
- 21
Mid Spring 2017
- 52
Early Spring 2017
- 25
Early Spring 2017
- 11
Late Winter 2017
- 10
Late Spring 2016
- 40
Mid Spring 2016
- 26
Late Spring 2015
- 0
Late Spring 2015
- 0
Mid Spring 2015
- 0
Mid Spring 2015
- 0
Mid Spring 2015
- 0
Early Spring 2015
- 2

Wisteria sinensis
Mid Spring 2019
Early Spring 2019

More #buds than I’ve ever seen this year. Going to look a picture I hope 💜 #wisteria #newgrowth #earlyspring #spring

Morning Justin ... 👏🙌

Morning Julie 👋🏼 @juliesgarden
Late Summer 2018

Third flush for this in 2018 🤷🏻♂️🙌🏼 have a great bank holiday (uk) everyone! #wisteria #latesummer #august

How fab- one of my favs 💜💜 hope you have a great bank holiday too 😊

Thank you @AlisaJ 😀🙏🏼

Fab , you too Justin 👍☺️

Thank you 😊

😃👍🏼 @juliesgarden

You’re welcome @suerichards 👍🏼
Mid Spring 2018

On full show and smelling beaut 👌🏼 #wisteria #scented #midspring #spring Have a good day GTers ☀️👍🏼

Fantastic! Your garden is so far ahead of mine though. My wisteria are covered in buds but most are only an inch long. Can’t wait 💜

You too Justin, that looks fabulous 💜💜

I love wisteria. It’s such a romantic plant when in full bloom don’t you think?

I just wish I got to spend more time in it but unfortunately a little thing like work gets in the way! @awomanonabike

Thank you Jane, have a great day @pelly

It’s beautiful Angie 👌🏼 @ada31514

Gorgeous 💜💜

this pale purple color wisteria is lovely💜💜

Oh wow looks marvellous 💜💜💜

Morning, mines nowhere near as forward as that but got loads of buds💙💜😍

Just love this time of year @AlisaJ
Early Spring 2018

More flowers on this than ever before 👊🏼 Can’t wait for it to come alive 😁 have a good one GTers #buds #bud #wisteria #earlyspring #spring

Morning Justin, I’ve just scrolled through this plant of yours and it is nearly as forward as last year. 😘

Awww beautiful big fat buds. Love wisteria ❤

Morning Justin your wisteria looks really good still waiting for mine to wake up.. Hope it survived winter 😬

I love wisteria Justin, I just wish mine would flower !! Look forward to seeing yours 👍💜

Morning Justin, can’t wait to see this in full swing 💜💜

Yes it is @kathy there are larger buds but these were the only ones I could reach to snap! Should look great this year I hope 👍🏼

Oh yes me too Pearl @fuschia can’t wait for it to actually flower 👍🏼

I’ll keep my 🤞🏼 for you @Di007 have a good day 😀

They can take a little while to get established @juliesgarden but hopefully it’ll be worth the wait 👍🏼

Me neither Jane @pelly have a good day 😀

Morning Justin oh these are flowers I have those son mine even though I moved it a month ago I’m quite excited now thought they were just the leaves coming through 👍🏻
Mid Spring 2017

Just love #spring time #blooms on this #wisteria 👌🏼Have a good day GTers 👍🏼

Lovely, just doesnt last long enough does it? you have a good day too 😄

Totally agreed 👍🏼 @squares
Good morning Justin,lovely photo @justin

These are gorgeous!

Thank you and good morning @Chester14

Glad you think so too 👍🏼 @lovestogarden

Morning Justin, just beautiful 💜💜

Thank your Julie 😀 @juliesgarden good morning

Morning Justin, love these 👍🏻

Morning, those beautiful blooms are coming 👏

Such a stunning flower Justin @justin ......enjoy your day :)
Early Spring 2017

Lovey #wisteria coming out in full force now 👍🏼 Have a good day GTers 👋🏼 #spring

Very nice Justin @justin ......enjoy your day :)

Morning Justin, wish mine would flower 🙁 have a great day 👍

Thank you Pauline @flof1952 you too

Morning Julie @juliesgarden 👋🏼

Morning Justin how lovely 💜💜💜

Thank you @Keely good morning 👋🏼

Morning Justin, how lovely, have a great day. 💜💜💜

You too Jane @pelly thank you

Morning Justin, just lovely 💜

Thank you @vec Julie and good morning

Morning justin..that's beautiful! Think I would like a wisteria in my garden 💜
Early Spring 2017

#spring has definitely sprung 🎉 my #wisteria has lots of lovely #buds on it. Can't wait to see it come to life 👍🏼 #bud

Wow! @justin, way ahead of mine. One of my all time favourite climbers.

Yes they're beautiful aren't they 👍🏼 @tiger123

That won't be long by the looks of it 😀 and the gorgeous perfume too 😍

This particular bud is way more advanced than the others (not complaining!) but this year it's got lots so I'm dead chuffed and can't wait for it to come out and yes the smell will be awesome 👏🏼 @janric

Oh I feel your excitement. I love my wisteria. We are having some building work & they have been warned (nicely) that if they kill my wisteria they won't get paid 😉😂

Ours are still firmly closed. @justin

No harm in laying a marker down 🤣 @awomanonabike

This is the most advanced bus @greenfingerpaul all the others are still much tighter 👍🏼


👍🏼 @Naomi126
Late Winter 2017

Loadsa #buds and #newgrowth on my #wisteria this year 👍🏼 must have liked its haircut 😀 #newshoots #shoots #winter


Oh that's fab going to have to wait a few years before mine has buds 🙄

Lovely ...I love Wisteria ..I have Two and am hoping get some flowers this year 😆

Very 😀 @titchyfra

All in good time @nessas and it'll be worth the wait 👍🏼

I have two too 😁 @hippylove my other is a much younger plant to probs won't see flowers for a few years

Ahhh yes but Justin you are talking to a woman who's impatient 😂😂😂👌🏻

@justin well hopefully we will get some beautiful flowers soon 😆...Both mine are young but grew like crazy and buds a lot thicker this year ...my second one o recently brought is young BUT was told it has a flower bud on when i brought it Woo Hoo as i could not wait for beautiful flower hahaha ..and its only young too ... So fingers crossed

@justin as just because they young ...does not mean always no flowers for years ..but either way its worth the wait anyway ...and ive been told blood and bone ...and Ash and tomatoe feed are a great way to help and encourage beautiful wisteria to flower 😆
Late Spring 2016

Good morning GTers 👋 #wisteria #spring

👋a jolly good morning to you ☕️☕️ 😎😉 have a super start to the week 🙌

Thanks Steve ☕️👋 @lamaisonbleueoleron

Good morning Justin fantastic shot to start the day off :)

Beautiful picture to nod off to sleep with-goodnight from Canada's west coast! 😴

Good morning Jean 👋☀️ @clickchick

Sleep well Elisa @riakat 😴

Good morning Justin looks like a fine day today good 📸 @justin

Gd Morning! 😃

Good morning @justin ☀️

Morning ☕️ pretty wisteria 💕

Morning Justin! ☕️ it's a lovely shot to start the day!
Mid Spring 2016

Stupidly excited 😜 my mum helped me plant my Wisteria last year and I never expected it to flower so soon. I am dead CHUFFED 🎉🎉🎉 I ❤️ my garden

👏👏👏 that's how I felt with my bowl of beauty when it flowered 3 months after planting the tuber! Didn't expect results until the following year! You did good!

Awe thank you 😬😬😬 ☺️ @beckers1974

Wow green finger Justin I will check my out

😬👏👏👏 @tina

Very very jealous right now as I sit in my garden with my nearly six month old looking at my wisteria that for the third year has not flowered! What is your secret @justin?

Ice waited about 5 years and it's still not flowered 😭😭 @Hellebore @justin

I honestly don't know and seriously wasn't expecting it to flower at all. I did prune it last Autumn so maybe that helped and I also top dressed it with multi purpose compost about a month ago. I honestly feel very lucky @Hellebore @juliesgarden

So pleased for you....look forward to seeing later pictures of it 👍😃🙌


Really seriously jealous.....I've tried and have now given up on them......😩

Can't wait to see if flower properly!! @harebell
Late Spring 2015
Late Spring 2015
Mid Spring 2015
Mid Spring 2015
Mid Spring 2015
#wisteria coming along nicely now 👍🏼 #midspring #april
Morning Justin, Wisteria must be one of the most beautiful plants ever, my heart flips every time I see one. 💜💜
And it also smells great Jane @pelly 😊
My Alba is very similar in colour, yours shows up well against the brick wall. Love them
Lovely aren’t they 🙌🏼 @kathy