Mimosa pudica
Mid Spring 2019
Late Summer 2018

My sensitive plant is sending out many blooms. Does anyone know how to fertilize the flowers to get seeds?

You could try using a soft paint brush or make up brush. Going from flower to flower with the brush transfers pollen the way bees do.

I will give that a try! Thanks. @Soph1e
Late Autumn 2017

#sensitiveplant 15 months old, grown from seed. 30 Nov 2017.

Does it bear any fruit. Looks similar to Indian Gooseberry Tree 😊

@gauravsh6, it has a fluffy, lilac ball of a flower, but no fruit as far as I know. It's leaves are sensitive to the touch and will shrivel up for a few minutes. In warmer weather, it's a weed and spreads quickly, according to my friends in Asia😀

Touch me not 😄 @kaigia

@muhammadabbas I'm sure you see this plant everywhere in your country!😄

Yes here in Pakistan this is alots @kaigia

I’ve only seen tiny ones before,

This is lovely!

Hey! I totally love love your plant😍

@shaynec Thanks! It is much entertaining for everyone who comes over to our house.

Yes i think i would be one of them!😂👍

I've always wanted one of these their amazing! Nice job 👍👍👍
The blooms of my Sensitive plant are cute balls of furry goodness.
Lovely flowers! 💕
Wow, that is the sweetest bloom ever!💕😍💖
@natii @valjones-hughes @cpl721 Thanks! This is growing faster now with the spring sun. The flowers only last for one day, so it's a treat to see them open.
True, @gjones, but there are many more to look forward to.😄
Really, only one day! They remind me of white dandelion, only pink! They are so pretty!
Thank you! They are a nice sight to see and fun to touch too! @cpl721