Cercis Chinensis 'Avondale'
Chinese Redbud
- Early Spring 2017
- 15
- 0
- Early Spring 2016
- 6
- 1
- Early Spring 2016
- 7
- 10
Cercis Chinensis 'Avondale'
- Early Spring 2017
- 15
- Early Spring 2016
- 6
Mission accomplished! I now have everything crossed!!
- Early Spring 2016
- 7
My new Shrub/tree has arrived! I am now very nervous about planting it! 🤔. Any tips? What compost etc?
I planted mine in an all purpose compost with soil and a good feed of blood fish and bone and they've been fine 👍
Thanks @justin I will do that - do I feed the blood fish and bone at the same time? Should I leave a metre round the whole thing for spread? Worried about overhang in neighbours and my shed but trying to screen off the neighbours if that makes sense! Sorry for so many questions! It's my first big plant!!
I would mix some all in together with the compost and Earth. Water the pot thoroughly before planting and then dig a hole roughly 2-3 times bigger than the pot itself (I'm probably being overly generous but it's always worked for me!) and pop it in... Now is the best time to be planting this Cercis 👍
Thanks @justin this will be my job tomorrow! Thanks for your advice.
#advice #cercis
@justin I think I might have planted my redbud in the wrong place! It's a bit more shaded than I thought! Do you think it will be ok? I can't move it now can I?
They don't mind partial shade so you might be ok. I planted two, two years ago and dug up one early winter last year and moved it, a year after it being in the ground. Funnily enough the one I moved seems to be doing better this Spring than the other so perhaps it likes the position better and it's definitely looking fine and healthy so no probs with moving in my opinion...
@justin thank you so much for replying so quickly. I think I might leave it then to see how it goes. I will decide next year how it is doing and move it then. It's a bit hard to tell how much shade it will get as the sun is so temperamental! Thanks again!
@justin would I be better waiting until spring or is this a good time of year to purchase/plant?