Crocus sativus
Crocus (Species) Saffron Crocus
Mid Autumn 2021
- 3
Mid Winter 2019
- 6
Mid Autumn 2018
- 2
Early Winter 2016
- 0
Mid Autumn 2016
- 2

Crocus sativus
Mid Autumn 2021
Mid Winter 2019

Every year they multiple and look so lovely and healthy but they have never ever flowered. Sigh. Clearly I am looking after them too well. Note to self... Be meaner!!!

Divide them up? Put some in a poorer mix?

#saffron #crocus #crocus-sativus

@ausgardentags they are in secondhand mix with perlite and haven't been repotted for like 4 years so I'm sure there's next to no nutrition in there 😉 I think I keep bulb feeding them tho! Doh! I am def going to repot this year, spread them out a bit cause they are all clumped up and maybe try some in the ground to see what happens.

They are the tallest saffron crocus I’ve ever seen!!

Try dividing them so they get more space to grow. Also, best to feed after flowering but since these haven't flowered just do it vaguely around the time that you think they should flower and a low nitrogen feed is best for crocus bulbs. They have quite long foliage so I suspect they've been growing leaves at the expense of flowers.
Mid Autumn 2018

God I hope this is the year they flower!!!! Crossing everything!

#saffron #crocus-sativus
Early Winter 2016
Mid Autumn 2016

Saffron is up... fingers crossed for our first ever flowers!

#crocus #saffron
Is this the same one that never flowered but had heaps of foliage? Looking great!
@mandajayne nope, I bought some new bulbs lol. I suspect the original ones may not have been correctly labelled as when I repotted them, the bulbs just did not look right. I still have them and maybe one day they will flower and I can ID them
I don't blame you, I would of too. These are looking good, funny those other ones all this time no flowers at all of any kind. Ahhhh, plants funny things.